LUNACY [petexway]Valentine's special [2/2]

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"Sometimes love is just love; it's a part of the journey. You have a start, you encounter rocky ways, and then there are some bumps. So, unattached pieces them, U-turns, and two different ways. But it keeps going until we arrive at that destination that we want to go to, and my destination is only him.

Pete: If he is not to mess with, then I am not to as well.

Way: Pete, seriously, what do you want?

Pete: I will ask one time. Do you like his presence or not?

Way: I mean...

Pete: I want a yes or no.

Way: I...

Pete: Yes or no?

Way: No, of course.

Pete: Then let me handle it and stay out of it.

Way: You're being annoying.

Pete: I am good at that, I know.

Pete: Hey, I am Way's husband. How are you?

I am not talking to you; I am talking to Way.

Pete: You're talking to Way, and I am talking to you, so yeah.

Way: Winner, can we not interact?

Winner: Why, though? Even though we broke up, I still know you better. Let's have a drink together. Can you move out of my face, Khun?

Pete: If you broke up, stay away. That's all. You broke his heart. Do you want me to break your face? [whispered]

Winner: What do you think I am? [grabbing Pete's collar]

Pete: Whoa, whoa, if you want to get physical, then I am down for it.

Way: You guys, stop it. Everyone is looking; it's embarrassing.

Pete: Stay out of it, Way.

Winner: He is the topic, so why stay out of it?

Pete: He wants a piece of me. [smirks]"

Just as Pete and Winner were about to throw hands, Sangwoo rushed in to stop them, but Jae Young intervened, putting a hand on Sangwoo's shoulder.

"Let them," Jae Young said calmly, "It's fun seeing two pups fight for our Way."

Sangwoo hesitated, looking torn between intervening and letting the situation unfold. Meanwhile, Pete and Winner were locked in a tense standoff, glaring at each other with clenched fists.

Way, growing increasingly uncomfortable with the escalating tension, stepped forward, trying to diffuse the situation. "Guys, this isn't necessary. Let's just calm down and talk things out like adults," Way pleaded, hoping to quell the brewing conflict.

But Pete and Winner seemed unreceptive to reason, their egos and emotions fueling their anger. It was clear that the situation could quickly spiral out of control if someone didn't intervene soon.

Just as tensions reached a boiling point, Sangwoo made a decisive move, stepping between Pete and Winner with a stern expression. "Enough!" he commanded, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "This ends now."

Sangwoo: Winner, leave now. Who invited you, and why are you here?

Winner: We will meet again, Pete." He licked his lips, smirking, and cast a lustful glance at Way.

Pete: You really—

Way: Pete, enough!

Pete: Stay away." He stormed off to the bathroom, his frustration evident in his hurried steps.

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