His Villian [kenta x kim ]last part

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"Kim drifted into unconsciousness, overwhelmed by the pain. A conflicted turmoil raged within him — a part desperately clinging to the hope of Kenta's return, while another believed that surrendering to the darkness might be his only escape. In this narrative of betrayal, Kim grappled with the notion that Kenta, the once-trusted hero, had become the unexpected villain in his own story."

On the flip side, Kenta regained his senses, driven by an urgent determination to find a lifeline for Kim. His hands frantically searched the room, desperately grasping at anything that could offer aid or serve as a means to summon help. During the chaos, a glimmer of hope sparked within Kenta, fueled by the singular purpose of rescuing Kim from the abyss that threatened to consume them both.

a light sparked in kim room it was his old frenemy winner 

 he forcefully placed the plate in front of Kim. "Eat. It's for your good."

Kim pushed the plate away, his eyes haunted. "I can't pretend everything is okay with a meal."

Winner's patience wore thin, and he angrily flipped the plate over. "If you want to be safe, just eat. Kenta is still waiting for you. He cares about you."

Kim, bewildered, looked up. "Kenta? But I thought..."

Winner interrupted urgency in his voice, "Listen, Kenta never betrayed you. Tony is playing both of you. He's locked up and in a bad shape. Tony mentally tortures him every day, using the threat of harming you. You need to stay strong and eat. It's the only way you'll be able to help both yourself and Kenta."

Winner returned with another plate, insisting, "Eat it. It's for your good."

Kim, puzzled, finally asked, "Why? What changed? Why are you helping me? You used to hate me."

Winner smirked a hint of sadness in his expression. "Used to? I still hate you through my guts. I'm not helping you; I'm helping Kenta." As Winner spoke of Kenta, a spark ignited in his eyes, revealing a hidden soft spot that Kim couldn't ignore.

"This is the most I can do for now. Don't choose the life I've chosen. If it were up to me, I'd be in your place right now."

as he left 

Kim started to eat, but Winner's revelations about Tony's torment of Kenta triggered a flood of emotions. Amid the realization that Kenta had never betrayed him and every word from Kenta was true, guilt gnawed at Kim. He questioned the fragility of his trust in their love, tears streaming down his face as he consumed the meal. The taste was bitter against the backdrop of remorse, and Kim couldn't shake the weight of the emotions that had been stirred within him.

Tony called Winner over.

Tony: "Here you are."

Winner: "Yes, Pa. Why did you call me?"

Tony handed Winner his notorious pride gun.

Winner, puzzled: "Why are you giving this to me?"

Tony, coldly: "Kill Kenta."

The gun slipped from Winner's trembling hand upon hearing the chilling command, but he swiftly picked it up.

Tony: "Be careful. What has gotten into you?"

Winner's hands shook as he held the gun.

Winner, voice trembling: "Why me, Pa?"

Tony, with a sinister smirk: "Because I know how much Kim gave you a hard time during his racing days. It will be a nice revenge. Kill someone he adores in front of him. I don't think there's a problem, is there?"

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