His Villian[kenta x kim]

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**Kim:** It's always the good guy who gets to be the hero. I gave a villain a chance to be the hero of my life.

Tony ordered Kenta to kill Kim and bury his body in their garden.

**Tony:** You piece of shit! You thought I was going to let you go after all the shit and problems you created for me? [He slapped Kim] What a fool.

He smirked and went out.

**Kim:** What are you waiting for? Kill me right now. At least I don't want to stay somewhere that sells people. I might as well die. Do you think I am scared? No shit.

One of Tony's bodyguards kicked Kim in the stomach.

Kenta shot that bodyguard in front of all the other bodyguards. All of them were shocked by such an action from Kenta.

If anybody tries to touch him or hurt him, that person would die by my own hands.

**Bodyguard:** Sir, we have been ordered to kill him. Tony would kill us if he found out that you were doing this.

**Kenta:** Who is saying I am not killing him? I am just having fun.

**Bodyguard:** Sir, let's just end him. We can have fun with the other femboys in the bar.

**Kenta:** Did I ask you to command? No, right?

**Tony's Bodyguard:** Kill him. We don't want to die because of him. He's being a traitor to Tony. He will get us all killed.

As someone approached Kim, Kenta swiftly moved to intercept, gently wrapping his arms around Kim's waist, and pulling him into a warm embrace. Their bodies pressed together in an intimate connection, as Kenta enveloped Kim in a protective hold. In that tender moment, amidst the chaos and danger, Kenta's touch conveyed not only a shield against harm but also a silent reassurance-a promise that, in his arms, Kim found peace. The world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them

Kenta; you will be safe here

suddenly Kim's muscularity melted into the more masculine touch of Kenta

Kenta: your body is as soft as I remember [he shot a bodyguard as he talked]

Kim: we met before but I never saw you before

Kenta: Han River, your shoes and this necklace that you are wearing remember [as he killed another bodyguard]

Kim looked at his necklace and then remembered how someone saved him once. He was about to jump into the Han River because he thought he lost his race and believed the world had ended. It was three years ago. The guy who saved him was wearing a mask, but his voice was as warm as the sun. It happened at midnight. The guy stopped Kim from jumping and told him that if he died today, he would be called a scaredy-cat. He emphasized that trying again is what would lead him to succeed.

Kim also remembered how the stranger fixed his shoes and gave him a jade necklace before walking away without saying anything more.

Kim: You were that guy.

Kenta: How many times do I have to save you? You always get yourself into trouble. [Smiles]

Kim: Leave me. I can save myself. I don't need the help of someone who sells humans.

Kenta: How do you know I'm specifically here for that?

Kim: What do you mean?

Kenta: No time to talk. This is the key, and this is the way to the car. Don't look back, just run. Don't look back, I repeat. Kim, are you listening?

Kim: You come with me; they are going to kill you. You killed three bodyguards.

Kenta: I can't go, Kim. Now go.

Kim stopped for some time, but Kenta constantly urged him to go.

Kim: Screw this and screw you.

As he kissed Kenta with all his strength.

Kim: Price for saving me. [As he ran]

Before he could enter the car, he heard gunshots. But he constantly reminded himself.

Kim: Kim, don't look back. Don't look back. Don't look back.

but he still looked back and did what he wanted he reversed the car and went for Kenta

Kim: I can't leave this guy. I sure know that. Why? I don't know that.

Kim went over every bodyguard that tried to come in front until he saw a bloodied Kenta.

Kim: Sit, or you will die. It's an order.

Despite all the chaos, Kenta still chose Kim.

They drove away, leaving everything behind. The chaos was too much for Kim's small heart. He stopped the car and pretended to be braver.

Kim: Let me see how bad it is.

Kenta: [Chuckled] Can you see it?

Kim: You're so messed up, but still laughing. Are you a psycho or what? Ahhh, fuck.

Kim: You were laughing a few seconds ago.

Kenta: Okay, okay, I'll stop. Can you lend me some stuff from the back of the car? There's a blowtorch, some antiseptic, and some bandages. I kept them for you in advance but never knew I would need them.

Kim: Okay, here they are. Here you go. Now, what are you going to do?

As Kenta opened his injury, it was bad, and Kim felt the pain of Kenta as he saw the drenching blood from Kenta's chest. Kim was just looking at him with the most precious eyes, gulping every time Kenta hissed. He saw how Kenta took the bullet and threw it away as if he had already gone through it several times.

Kim: Don't tell me you're going to burn the injury like they used to do in the old days.

Kenta: Wow, at least you know something.

Kim: Shit, won't that hurt?

Kenta: No, it won't.

As he was about to proceed-

Kim: No, stop. Bite something first to ease the pain. Find something, but be careful.

Kenta searched for something, but nothing seemed suitable. Then he said, "My arm. You can bite into it. You won't feel much pain, or it might ease some of the pain."

Kim: You sure about it? What if you bleed?

Kenta: No, I won't. I'm quite strong. Just do it.

Kim closed his eyes so that Kenta could bite on his arm. Kenta smiled and then took a cotton ball in his mouth, doing what he needed to do. Kim saw Kenta biting into a cotton ball, in so much pain that his shouts could be heard almost as loud as ever. Suddenly, Kenta fainted from the intense pain.

"Hey, hey, wake up." When Kim saw how much Kenta had been through, he applied the bandages and slowly helped him wear a shirt. Suddenly, Kim's heart felt something-it was the first time in years of being alone in the world that he felt like he had someone to rely on. Despite Kenta being a big villain in everyone's life, Kim felt safe when he was with Kenta. A sudden feeling rushed over Kim's mind as if he was captured in jail-a jail of love.

Kim suddenly put his head over Kenta's chest, hugging his waist as if he were protecting what he now desired. It felt like the injury was on Kenta's body, but the pain was all over Kim's body. He stared at Kenta, who was sleeping as if he had chosen a hard and cruel path for someone he had just known. But it felt right. It felt just right.

Kim: "If it's my choice, then I choose to be with you. Whether the path is as rocky as ever, I know this won't be easy for both of us. But at least, if we die, we die in each other's arms.

The next journey is not easy, but both Kenta and Kim have the same path to travel."




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