I Am Never The One [way x Pete]teaser

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Have you ever felt like you don't exist when people see you, but you don't see yourself? You're invisible, making everyone feel seen, yet you're not seen; it's as if you're unwanted. People listen, but they don't listen—they ignore your existence. Everyone is included, but you can't find your seat. Where should you go? Why am I so unseen? I also want to be seen. I've never done anything bad, so why am I the only one always unseen?

You're trying to make yourself more noticeable, but others just seem better. You're frustrated, not with others, but with yourself. Why am I the only one who feels so undeserving? Eventually, you get tired and give up because, even after trying hard many times to make yourself noticeable, you're failing. After a few tries, you just give up because they're not going to notice you anyway. You feel so worthless while others have someone. In the end, you only have yourself. You really need a shoulder to lean on, but you can't lie on your shoulder and cry, can you?

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