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The Xhunter garage was silent; there were no sounds of arguing between North and Sonic. It felt like the silence was too loud, disturbing the once-familiar noises of North and Sonic recording videos, cracking jokes, and being annoying. Everyone missed it so much; no one ever thought they would miss the loud and laughing voices of both. It was too quiet, and everything felt lame and boring.

The fact that both were physically close but somehow emotionally distant made the small physical distance seem inconsequential; the misunderstandings were significant, and everyone felt it. Charlie approached North but received no reply. He then went to Sonic, who was sitting beside a huge window. Outside, it was raining, and the mood was depressing. Sonic was not his usual self; he seemed like a completely different person - someone hopeless and broken. His head was down, and he was looking outside as if questioning his existence.

Charlie: "Hey, Sonic."

No reply was heard, as if Sonic had escaped reality, deeply immersed in his world, lost in thought as if he was trying to break a brick wall with just his fist alone.

Charlie called him a few times, but he didn't hear it, so Charlie went up to him and shook him as if Charlie was trying to bring him back to reality.

Charlie: "What's wrong, man?"

Sonic suddenly looked at Charlie, confused, as if he were trying to figure out what to say.

Charlie went and sat beside Sonic.

Charlie: "Were you crying? What's wrong, Sonic? North isn't speaking. You're also lost in your world. What is exactly wrong with you and him?"

Suddenly, Sonic replied, "I FELL IN LOVE."

He broke down in tears; his cries were low, but he was crying badly. He hugged Charlie after just that single sentence; Charlie didn't need any further explanation.

Sonic: "All I did was fall in love. My fault is falling in love with someone who considers me a best friend, a soulmate. He considers me everything but a life partner. I never knew it would hurt this bad. It hurts so bad, Charlie." As he spoke, he clenched his chest out of pain. He was not sick; he was lovesick.

Charlie did his best to offer solace. He hugged Sonic and tried to console him, but Sonic seemed as if he had been carrying this emotional burden for longer than anyone could remember, his tears flowing like a river. Charlie found himself unable to get the courage to put an end to Sonic's tears. He simply allowed Sonic to cry, offering a silent presence until the waves of emotion subsided. It wasn't until exhaustion took over that Sonic drifted into a restless sleep, his murmured apologies echoing in the quiet room. Despite the attempt to find solace in sleep, the weight of unspoken sorrows lingered in the air, casting a dark atmosphere over the room.

charlie called babe

Charlie: "Babe, can you hurry to the back of the garage? It's urgent."

Babe came running up.

Charlie: "Shhh, don't wake him up. He just dozed off."

Babe: "What's wrong with him?"

Charlie: "Let's talk after we get him to his... or let's take him to our apartment."

Babe: "Huh?"

Charlie: "Please, babe, come on. Just trust me. Let's talk at the apartment."

Babe agreed.

At the apartment, Charlie put Sonic in his bed.

Babe: "What's wrong with him? I've been noticing these days that Sonic and North are not acting the same as before."

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