Mood swings 2 [Alanxjeff]

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As everyone was busy working, Jeff also lent a hand from time to time, despite being restricted by the others. Suddenly, Alan felt someone peering at him.

Alan smiled warmly. "Jeff, come here."

Jeff hesitated, feeling he might disturb them. "I stayed silent because I thought I would disturb you."

Alan shook his head. "No, of course not. What did you bring?"

Jeff handed Alan a drink. "I bought you a drink."

Alan thanked him and then asked, "Why were you peeking from there?"

Jeff shrugged. "Nothing."

Alan noticed Jeff's demeanor. "You seem sad. What's bothering you? Come, sit here."

As Alan made Jeff sit in the car he was working on, Jeff opened up.

Jeff: "I think I'm just a bother to everyone these days. Plus, Babe always gives me weird looks. I don't like that he's mad; I understand, but can he just be a little softer when he's around me?"

Alan: "Don't pout, Jeff. I know how Babe is. You know how much of a rigid layer he has built on himself. It's just how he is. We can't change that, can we? And just because he doesn't show it doesn't mean he's not bothered. He's probably just feeling embarrassed after what he said and the fight. Don't worry, boo boo, okay?"

Alan patted Jeff's head gently, offering him reassurance and comfort.\

jeff: "I will go now, don't want to disturb."

As he was about to leave, his hand was suddenly pulled by Alan.

Alan: "Where are you going? Wait, wait, my kiss. Where is it?"

Jeff: "Uncle, everyone's here."

Alan: "So what?"

Jeff: "Leave me, nah, okay?"

Alan: "Okay, okay, just one here." As he kissed him on the forehead.

While Jeff was leaving, suddenly he kicked Babe's racing dress sculpture, causing it to fall to the ground and break into pieces. It also damaged Babe's racing coat.

When everyone heard the commotion, they came out to see what happened. Charlie rushed to Jeff and hugged him, checking if he was hurt.

Charlie: "You okay, right?"

Jeff: "But Babe's..."

Charlie: "Don't worry, we'll get it right."

Alan: "You're fine."

Jeff nodded, but as Babe entered and saw the mess, he suddenly lashed out.

Babe: "I can't believe you're so careless! You always mess things up. Just stay out of our way!"

Charlie: "Babe, calm down! Jeff didn't mean to do it."

Jeff: "Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break it. It was an accident."

Babe: "Sorry isn't going to fix this, Jeff! You always say sorry, but it's never enough. You need to learn to be more careful!"

Alan stepped forward, his voice calm but firm

Alan: "Babe, calm down. We will figure something out about this. Yelling at Jeff isn't going to solve anything. Let's take a step back and find a solution together."

but babe continued throwing a tantrum 

Alan's voice rose in response to Babe's harsh words, his tone laced with anger and concern.

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