The Time When You Were Mine[north x Sonic]

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teaser : Don't blame me, love made me crazy

"It has been quite some time since North and Sonic started dating, but Sonic noticed some unsettling behaviors in North. Sonic felt that most of the time, North tried to control him, making him obey commands. If Sonic ever resisted, North would become angry or resort to punishing him. Sonic also observed North reacting fiercely if anyone approached him.

Moreover, Sonic realized that North would often manipulate him after arguments by swearing on their love. There were instances when North restricted Sonic from going anywhere, and disobedience led to North's explosive anger – throwing objects, and clenching his hands – a form of emotional abuse, even though it didn't involve physical harm. North frequently used possessive language, stating 'I own him,' or 'He is my property; no one can touch him; he is mine.'

Despite all this, Sonic initially dismissed these signs, interpreting North's behavior as protective. He believed it stemmed from North's deep love. However, Sonic was mistaken. North's actions were not merely expressions of love but indicative of a more controlling personality

Sonic was engrossed in a book when North suddenly hugged him from behind.

North: "How are you, my babydoll?" *He kissed Sonic's neck.*

Sonic: "I'm good. Where were you?"

North: "You have no right to ask that. It's my choice where I want to be, okay?" *He smiled.*

Sonic: "But..."

North: "Ahaa, I said what I said. No questions."

Sonic: ...

North: "Baby, I was just here. Don't worry, okay? Did you leave the place when I wasn't around?"

Sonic: "Yeah, I went to see a friend."

North: "Why? Do you want to sleep with him? You know that's cheating, right?"

Sonic: "What are you saying, North? Nonsense."

North: "You're too innocent, babydoll. You should stay inside like a pretty doll, okay?"

His eyes were blank, his lips formed a creepy curve, and his words came out cold and serious.

Sonic: "I also have a life, North. Don't you understand?"

North: "You don't. It's mine."

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