Apart [Sonic x North]part 3

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The doctor checked on Sonic and reassured North and the others who were worried, stating that Sonic was okay. They explained that Sonic had fainted due to exhaustion and experienced a panic attack triggered by aggression. The doctor advised everyone to be cautious and keep Sonic away from situations that could make him angry. They emphasized that repeated incidents might adversely affect Sonic's brain. The doctor recommended focusing on making Sonic happy instead of causing him sadness to prevent such episodes from happening again.

As the doctor left, North suddenly lost balance, but Charlie and Alan caught him in time as if North were afraid that he might trouble Sonic. His steps backed up due to that fear.

Alan: North, he is okay. Nothing is wrong. It was just a minor thing.

North's voice trembled with guilt, "Minor for you, not for me. I caused this. Sonic is here today because of me." His words hung in the air, heavy with self-blame and hesitation.

Babe suddenly hugged North upon seeing him in such pain.

Babe: Stop blaming yourself for something small like this. It's not your fault at all. Look at him; he is well. Nothing is wrong with him. It was just a minor accident, that's all.

Suddenly, North panicked.

North hesitated, "If he sees me, he will get angry. I should... leave, yeah?" His voice seemed crumbled as he ran away, the uncertainty and hesitation evident in his words.

Babe: Wait, North, WAIT...

Charlie: Babe, you should leave him alone. He needs time to accept himself and adjust his thoughts. Give him time to gather his thoughts and find a conclusion.

Babe: But... hee.

Babe stopped when he saw Charlie's reassuring look.

Sonic woke up, and suddenly everyone rushed toward him to see if he was okay.

Sonic: Guys, guys, I am good. Don't worry; I am fine.

Babe: Stupid, really. If you were fine, you wouldn't be here.

Alan: Babe is right.

Sonic: Uncle, you as well?

Alan: What else? Okay, guys, let's go. Let him rest; he needs rest.

As everyone was about to leave, Sonic called for Charlie. Everyone left while Charlie was left behind to listen to what Sonic was saying.

Sonic: Where is North?

Charlie: He left while you were still unconscious. He was blaming himself for your condition. He ran away because he thought you were here because of him, and that if you see him again, you might go through it all again.

Sonic: ...

Charlie: Sonic, I think North needs time. He needs time to understand what and how to deal with what he is in. He is in a lot of confusion himself. You might think it's easy for him to accept you as a lover, but trust me, it's not. The fear of gaining love and losing a friend is painful. He might also be feeling that way.

Sonic: Hmm.

Charlie: Don't think too much, okay? You should rest. [Smiled]

Sonic also replied with a smile.

north pov

North was alone, walking at night in a street, trying to solve his heart's puzzle. The pieces were all so difficult that North could not figure it out; it puzzled him. He was alone; the questions surrounded him, more difficult than ever

As he was contemplating all of that, he didn't realize a car was coming from the other side until a bright light shone on his face, and his face went blank.

But, just in time, someone grabbed him by his hand and pulled him out of the way.

North: Ohh, shit! I am sorry, WINNER.

WINNER: Are you crazy? If you want to die, choose a suitable place for it, not where I am now. Go to hell from here.

North: Thank you.

WINNER: Stop playing with your life. You owe your life to the one who is waiting for you in the hospital.

WINNER: From something I have already experienced, I can never see anybody else go through it.

North: What do you mean?

WINNER: You want me to kill you? Just go. I am still WINNER. The guy who is your team competent. Don't waste my time. But just a reminder, I saw you and Sonic in the parking area that day. Don't hurt something you adore. You know yourself.

"As the years pass, comprehension of villains deepens. Perhaps WINNER, too, carries the weight of a poignant love story," 

As WINNER walked away, the guy who was once someone North never understood, now North could feel that WINNER was more than just a bad guy. This realization made him understand North and his feelings more.

Out of nowhere, North broke into a wide smile and dashed as fast as he could, as if he'd just found the key to all his questions or was about to take off on an adventure. when in that split second glimpses of his life flashed before him, bringing a sudden realization. , he understood that Sonic was the one person he truly wanted to be with. In those critical moments, facing the possibility of him dying, Sonic was the only thought that mattered to North.

"In the gallery of our connection, friendship painted the canvas of understanding, but love added the vibrant colors of passion, turning a once tranquil masterpiece into a lively portrait of us."

Author note

"Hehe, sorry, guys, but the ending will be in the next episode. So yeah, I know, I know, but still, you have to wait for something good. And yeah, tell me if I should make the WINNER story. I think it will be a good plot, a sad and lovely love story of someone WINNER once loved. Tell me if you want that until the next update. Bye-bye!"

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