Everything I Wanted [Pete x way]

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The story takes place after Babe finds out that way was the enigma 

a week later 

The scene unfolds in a dramatic crescendo of emotions as Pete and Babe rush to Way's apartment, their hearts pounding with fear and desperation. The tension is palpable as they confront the locked door, their voices strained with urgency.

Pete: Way, I said open the door! Open it, or I will break it! Or else, you know I will break it!

Way: Leave me alone! Can you please go away, Pete? Stop messing with my head!

Pete: No one will do anything to you, Way. Just open the door, will you?

Way: There's no point, there's no point to all of this anymore.

Suddenly, Babe bursts in, fury evident in his eyes.

Babe: Where is he?

Pete: In the room.

Babe: Break it!

Way: If anybody did anything, I will kill myself right now!

Babe: You open the door, Way, right now!

Way: I'd rather die than see you again, Babe. You've given me every answer I wanted.

Pete: He keeps saying this.

Babe: There are keys in the garage for every room.

Pete: I get it.

Way: I am sorry, Babe. I never wanted to be that hateful. I get it that what I did was never forgivable. I knew, and still did it. And I promise I have cried every day for giving you this lie again and again. I tried to keep everything together, but eventually, it all fell apart. Just like our friendship.

Babe: Nothing's wrong, WAY. Everything is just as fine as before.

Way: You think I don't know how much you hate, how much you're disgusted when you see me? I saw that in your eyes, the character of Way changed into a monster. The only thing I feared was getting hated by you, and that fear got to me. Life is strange, you know why? 'Cause I broke something in you, and the world broke me into pieces. It's fair play, fair gameplay, everything around me wins while I'm always the loser. Just a loser.

Pete: Got the keys.

As they opened the door, Pete tried to unlock it, but his hands were trembling so much he couldn't even get the key inside the lock. Babe took the key from him and unlocked the door.

As they entered, they found Way hanging himself. Babe's eyes widened, and they rushed to get him down. After a struggle, they managed to rescue him.

Suddenly, Pete grabbed Way by his shoulder.

Pete: What were you doing? Are you crazy? What were you going to do? You don't care about yourself, fuck that, but me, him, you don't care about us. You're still as selfish as before. Every time, every time, you just think what you want, never have you thought what others want, right?

Way, nodding, cried and trembled as they both fell on their knees, crying.

Way: I don't deserve to live anymore. I am sorry, but I don't want to live anymore.

Babe: What did you do, Way? Tell me! [As he shook Way, seeing bottles and bottles of sedatives.]

Way: I am giving myself punishment. I deserve this, Babe.

Babe: This is not your punishment, this is punishment for me. Why are you doing this, Way? Spit them out, please!

Way suddenly held Babe's hand.

Way: [Laughing] Babe, I've given myself every single pain that you ever went through so that you are at ease. [Laughs] It's actually really fun. Your breathing stops slowly, slowly, slowly. Shush, shush, you hear that? That's the call of hell for me.

Babe: Why are you acting like this, Way? Come back to your senses.

Way: Sense? What are those? What heat? What feeling? What are emotions? What am I? [Laughs] You know, I talked to him every day, especially today. [He pointed to the mirror at himself.] He begged me to let you go, to let you be happy, but he was just not happy. Now look, he is happy, because I ruined it for you, I ruined it for Pete, I ruined it for me.

Babe: Way, Way, what are you doing?

Way: Pete, you liked me, right? I know that you do. But I am just too selfish, rude, and unlovable. You can't do that, okay? You can't. It will just break you. I don't deserve the thing called love.

Pete: Let's take him to the hospital, Babe.

Way: No, wait, wait, wait, silence, hear it, you're hearing that, right?

Pete: Way, hey, Way!

Way: I cry, it's a cry for help, a cry for forgiveness, a cry [laughing], a cry for begging to get loved.

Suddenly, Way fainted.

After a few hours later,

Babe: Doctor, how is he? He was talking strangely, laughing while crying. He was going insane.

Pete: Doctor, tell us!

Doctor: An insane amount of drugs he did, some insane amount of drugs causing him to get mentally fractured. Because of that, although he will be fine, if he continues this, it may damage his brain completely.

Babe: But how?

Doctor: Stress to forget something, maybe guilt, depression, everything you can think of when you hear the word insane. This will be hard, but that's the only thing which can save him, is let him fight this on his own while being his support.

A heavy atmosphere of uncertainty and concern, Babe's heart weighed heavily with guilt and remorse. He turned to Pete, his eyes brimming with tears, his voice trembling with emotion.

Babe: "I am sorry... It's because of me that he's in this state. I want my friend back, Pete. I beg of you... I am sorry, this is all my fault. He's like this because of me. Please, help me bring him back."

Pete's expression remained stoic, his features etched with the weight of the situation. He sighed softly before responding, his words laden with resignation.

Pete: "Mistakes have been made, Babe. The only thing you can do now is support him. That's all... I can't say anything more." His blank face spoke volumes, revealing the depth of his inner turmoil and resentment towards Babe.

Babe: "I'll try... I promise I'll do everything I can." As Babe reached out to hug Pete, he couldn't help but notice the underlying tension in Pete's embrace, a silent testament to the rift between them.

Pete: "You will just try... He gave up everything for you, Babe. Isn't that unfair?"

Babe: "Oh, Pete... I understand. I'll do my best to bring our Way back. I'm sorry, truly sorry."

Pete: "You have to... You have to."


This was just my perspective on how the story could have been done as well. So yeah, after this, they just helped Way to recover, and he does recover. He falls for Pete, and eventually accepts that Way was never meant to be his forever. Pete was what God planned for him. This was just a thought that I wrote. You can end it however you like. I am giving you the opportunity to write what you want this end to be like so I can see how creative my fellow readers are.

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