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"I believe if it's love, then your identity does not matter, whether you're a guy or girl. All feelings yours are valid. If you once fall in love, you can't fall in love like that first time again. First love plays a real and important part in our lives. Sometimes it gives us the lesson to move on, and sometimes it becomes one of those precious memories that you will tell your children. That's how your father met me. But also, this is coming from someone who has not experienced love yet. But I have this wish that whenever and whoever it is, it does not turn into a lesson but a memory."

Charlie had a habit of playing guitar, and it was no joke. He was not just good; he was exceptionally talented. As Babe was out, the whole house became Charlie's domain. He didn't just enjoy himself; he took over the space completely. His voice was as melodious as ever as he held his private concert.

As Charlie strummed the guitar, lost in the rhythm of his own melodies, he was unaware of Babe's silent entrance. Babe stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame, his eyes fixed on Charlie with a soft smile playing on his lips. He watched with adoration as Charlie's fingers danced effortlessly over the strings, producing beautiful harmonies that filled the room.

Babe's heart swelled with love as he observed his partner in his element, completely immersed in the music. The sight of Charlie enjoying himself so thoroughly brought warmth to Babe's chest, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these.

Caught up in the spell of Charlie's music, Babe found himself swaying gently to the rhythm, his body moving instinctively to the enchanting melody. He was mesmerized by the sweetness of Charlie's voice, each note washing over him like a soothing wave.

Unable to contain his joy any longer, Babe stepped forward, closing the distance between them. He wrapped his arms around Charlie from behind, resting his head against his shoulder. Charlie glanced back, his eyes meeting Babe's with a tender gaze.

Without a word, they swayed together in perfect harmony, lost in the magic of the music and the love that bound them together. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them, sharing a timeless melody that would forever echo in their hearts.

 Charlie was not shocked by Babe for some reason and stayed with Babe, creating a beautiful scene

Babe: [Standing beside Charlie] Mind if I join in?

Charlie: You're the melody in my heart's sweet hymn.

[They start singing together, harmonizing beautifully.]

Both: Oh, him, my love, my guiding light, In your arms, I find my flight. With every breath, with every sigh, You're the reason, the reason why.

[Charlie continues playing as they share a moment, lost in the music and each other's presence.]

Charlie: In the gentle breeze, your laughter rings...

Babe: [Rests a hand on Charlie's shoulder] Your voice, it's like magic.

Charlie: A symphony of joy, that forever sings...

Babe: [Nods in agreement] You make every moment special, Charlie.

Charlie: Your eyes, a universe, where dreams take flight...

Babe: [Gazes into Charlie's eyes] And in your gaze, I find my home.

[They continue singing, their voices blending seamlessly.]

Both: Oh, him, my love, my guiding light, In your arms, I find my flight. With every breath, with every sigh, You're the reason, the reason why.

[As they finish singing, Charlie and Babe share a tender moment, their foreheads touching gently.]

Charlie: [Giggling softly] You have the most beautiful laugh.

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