LUNACY [Pete x way]Valentine special[1/2]

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Pete: "Way, have you been here before?"

Way: "No, why do you ask that? And why are you even sitting here?"

Pete: "Look, why do you always want to fight with me?"

Way: "Because if I don't fight, I'll do something..." *bites lip* " don't want me to."

[In Pete's mind: "He hates me and flirts like some fuckboy."]

Way: "I'll go now, I'm going to sleep."

Pete: "You mean we."

Way: "I'm not letting you sleep with me in the bed."

Pete: "You think so? Are you scared that I'll do something?"

Way: *smirks* "Look." *bends down to Pete's level* "It's you who should be scared."

Pete: *smirks* "And why is that?"

Way: "You've gotten brave, great, I like it. Just sleep, don't try to do something that you'll regret, 'cause remember the day in the club."

Pete: *coughs* *choked on his saliva*

As they lay in their beds, Way, with a sly grin on his face, pretended to be fast asleep. Then, with a swift movement, he extended his leg and delivered a well-placed kick to Pete, catching him off guard. Pete, not expecting the sudden assault, lost his balance and tumbled out of bed, startled and bewildered by the unexpected attack.

Pete: what was that for 

Way chuckled, amused by Pete's reaction, but he kept his laughter subdued so as not to give away his mischief.

as they fell asleep 

Here is the corrected and improved version of your text:

While Way was having a good night, Pete was awake and not really sleeping. Suddenly, Way turned to face him, and Pete was trying to play it cool. But when Way cuddled with him, his heart melted. Way was like a small mini teddy bear in front of Pete, his small, golden figure glowing in Pete's embrace. His mind wanted to do things that his heart denied at all costs. Being this small, Way had his confidence way higher. He was just thinking about how he fought with his mom and dad, that he won't marry him at all costs, and that he doesn't deserve him. When in reality, Pete was just a minor in front of Way himself, or we can say Way was just too humble and that it was him who doesn't deserve a guy like Way. He is a whole wife package although he acts like a fuckboy sometimes. He's still a lot better than him. And then suddenly it clicked why Pete was thinking all of this. Maybe he likes Way, but that was not possible because he promised himself not to fall for someone who's soon to die. It will only hurt both of them.

Thinking this, Pete fell asleep.

Next day,

Pete was asleep when he heard loud noises.

As he heard them, he woke up.

Way, who had just gotten out after a shower, was making himself breakfast.

Pete came out grumbling when he saw Way enjoying his red wine while his breakfast was cooking.

Way: "What are you looking at?"

Pete: "Why do you drink like you're an addict?"

Way: "Why do you want me to be drunk in love? That can't happen, so I drink this."

Pete: "You seriously, ughh."

Way: "You got plans for today?"

Pete: "Why?"

Way: "It's Valentine's, so I thought many will ask you to be there."

Pete: "Why are you jealous?"

Way: "Why would I be jealous? Look, you will crawl back from the bed to this apartment in the end, so I don't care."

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