Mood swings 3 [Pete x Way]

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Another day, another tantrum. It was not a shocking thing for Pete to hear Way throwing a tantrum over something as trivial as taking a long time in the shower. Pete had this life goal to secure a lifetime supply of condoms because there was no way he'd get this stubborn guy pregnant again.

Pete had to go for an important meeting, so he called someone he probably shouldn't have – Sonic and North. He knew it was a bad idea to leave Way to these two troublemakers, but with no one else available, he had no choice but to trust the untrustable.

Way: "You really have to go." [pouting]

Pete: "I do." [smiling and pinching Way's cheek]

Way: "Okay." [sad pout]

Pete: "My goofball, I'll be back in 2 hours, okay?" [pinching Way's nose cutely]

Way: "Okay, I understand."

Pete in mind: There is no way he is so obedient all of a sudden; there must be a catch.

Pete: "So..."

Way: "You can go."

North and Sonic were already outside, fighting over something. Suddenly, Pete came out with Way following him. They both gave up on the fight as if there wasn't a fight in the first place.

Pete: "Okay, guys, now he's in your care, okay?" [concerned]

Sonic: "Yup, we know."

North: "We'll take care of him like you do."

Pete: "Please, just don't disobey him, or he'll kill you for sure."

Sonic: "I promise we'll do whatever he says and won't give him a chance to kill us."

Pete: "Then okay, I go now. Okay, Bun Bun, I go now."

Way: "Okay, bye."

Pete: "You sure I can go?"

Way: "Yes, go ahead, go."

Pete: "Really, I'm going."

Way: "I know."

Pete: "Okay then, bye-bye."

Sonic and North both said bye to Pete.

Way: "Cough, cough. Guys, can I get some help? I have something on my mind for you two."

Sonic and North looked at each other, both signaling that they were in big trouble.

Way thought of something funny as Pete left. He told Sonic and North that they should make a guide on how to take care of him. Step one was always having snacks. Sonic and North didn't get it, but they agreed.

Sonic: "Okay, snacks. What's step two?"

Way: "You have to say yes to everything I say. Even if I tell you I'm the king of a bubblegum kingdom."

North: "A bubblegum kingdom? Seriously?"

Way: "Yep. Step three is a secret for now. Let's focus on steps one and two."

As Pete went away, Sonic and North tried hard to follow Way's funny rules.

Way: "Now, snacks!"

Sonic and North rushed to get snacks, even weird ones like pickles with chocolate and ketchup on popcorn.

Way: "Good! Now, step two. Agree with me. First, I'm the best dancer ever!"

Sonic and North, not wanting to make Way upset, praised his dancing and tried funny dance moves too.

Way: "Great job! You're fast learners. Now, for step three..."

Just as Way was going to say the secret step, there was a loud crash. They saw Way's pet hamster, Mr. Fluffington, making a mess.

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