The Time When You Were Mine [north x sonic]

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Chapter 2 :LA MANIE

"Time went by, and things changed—changed drastically. Most of the time, North was manipulating, becoming more real. Sonic got scared of North; he was afraid of his voice, and his footsteps gave him the creeps. It wasn't love; it was a relentless and frenzied obsession. Sonic realized that it was too late—nearly impossible to break free from the clutches of this twisted affection,

He hated it, yet he couldn't help but question himself—why did it feel good when North touched him? Why did his heart still flutter at North's presence, like a babydoll or baby? Why was he addicted to North, like a drug, when, in the end, he would be the one affected?"

Sonic thought about his tricky relationship with North and figured out something surprising. Maybe, deep inside, he liked it when North told him what to do. Every time North wanted to be in charge, Sonic felt weirdly happy to follow along. He believed it was love, thinking they had a strong connection.

there was no connection it was an obsession 

North wasn't like most people; he carried a lot of mental distress. When he met Sonic, he felt like he found a place where he could feel safe. However, his fear of losing Sonic transformed him into a person who, in his mind, wanted to protect Sonic. Sadly, in reality, North became a threat to Sonic. It became a confusing situation where North, intending to be a protector in his own mind, unintentionally posed a danger to Sonic in the real world.

North entered Sonic's room.

North: "Baby, I bought you food."

Sonic, with a pleading tone, wincing and crying: "I wanna go out, baby. Please let me out. I won't go away; I would stay. I promise I won't run away. I love you. Don't you trust me?"

North, torn and pained: "I do trust you." The agony in North's heart intensified, seeing Sonic in such a vulnerable state. His mind was conflicted, not wanting to be like this with Sonic.

North, expressing his fear: "I trust you, but what if the world takes you away from me? What will I do then, huh? Why don't you understand this, Sonic? You won't go away; they will snatch you."

Sonic, now openly crying, continued pleading, "I won't, they won't." The room filled with the heart-wrenching sound of Sonic's and North's desperate cries and North's internal turmoil.

North: "Have the food." He gently wiped away Sonic's tears with his thumb. "Okay?"

Sonic: "No, North."

North: "Okay, just sleep, okay? No need to be sad." He continued wiping Sonic's tears, his hands trembling. North went out without looking back.

Sonic, desperate, called out, "North, listen! Northhhhh!" The room echoed with Sonic's pleas, but North's departure left an unsettling silence behind.

The complexity of their relationship left Sonic in a whirlwind of emotions. Was it love or obsession? Love should be liberating, yet North's actions seemed to confine Sonic. Sonic questioned why he remained in love with someone who exhibited controlling behavior.

Days went by, and Sonic's pleas fell on North's deaf ears. It wasn't that Sonic was prevented from everything; North took care of his basic needs like eating, sleeping, and bathing. However, it felt like Sonic was treated as a doll—dressed, cleaned, and fed, but lacking the essential elements of being human.

Humans needed love, affection, promises, and interaction or we all would probably won't be able to live at all faster than ever  Sonic began to feel the effects of isolation, aware that a person couldn't thrive under such conditions. He knew it was useless to ask North to let him go out. Resigned to his fate, Sonic decided the only chance to break free from this suffocating relationship was to escape the house.

The house, nestled in the woods, felt different. They had moved away from the world, and Sonic realized he had been drugged. The next thing he knew, he found himself in the woods, standing before a big house—an unexpected turn in the twisted tale of his life.

Sonic planned meticulously, observing North's every move, noting the patterns in his comings and goings, and even memorizing the places where North kept keys. He did everything he could to gather information that might aid in his escape.

After a week of careful observation, Sonic realized that once he left, everything would become significantly more challenging. The thought of what North was and the impact on Sonic's life lingered in his mind, an ever-present reminder that escape might not erase the scars of his tumultuous past with North.

Sonic, determined but cautious, made his move: "I have to get away from North. I can't live like this."

[Sound of a door opening]

Sonic, anxiously: "Just a few more steps, and I'll be free."

[The creaking of a floorboard]

North, catching Sonic in the act: "Running away, Sonic?"

Sonic, panicking: "No, North, I just needed—"

[The sharp sound of a needle being prepared]

North, with a sinister tone: "You're not leaving, Sonic."

[Sonic struggles]

Sonic, in pain: "What did you do?"

North, coldly: "Just a little something to make sure you stay."

[Sonic's movements become sluggish]

Sonic, desperate: "Let me go, please."

[The door locks shut]

Sonic, fueled by desperation, manages to break free from North's grasp. A brief struggle ensues as Sonic fights against the effects of the injection. His movements become erratic, a mix of determination and the weakening influence of the substance.

Sonic, with determination in his voice: "I won't let you control me, North."

[The sound of a struggle intensifies]

North, angrily: "You can't escape, Sonic."

Despite his best efforts, Sonic's body succumbs to the drug. His movements slow, limbs heavy, until finally, he collapses into North's lap.

North, "I told you, Sonic. You can't run from me."

As Sonic lies in North's lap, weakened and defeated North's demeanor changes. He looks down at Sonic, his eyes welling up with tears.

North, his voice trembling: "What have you done, Sonic? Why did you make me do this to you?"

[Sonic, struggling to respond]

North, blaming himself: "I never wanted to hurt you. But you forced me, Sonic. This is your fault."

[The room is filled with North's quiet sobs]

North, regretful: "I love you, Sonic. I never wanted to see you like this."

As North holds Sonic in his arms, a conflicted storm of emotions raging within him, Sonic weakly mutters, "Why, North?"

as he fainted 



the next part will be up by Monday I guess 

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