I Am Never The One [way x Pete]

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Can one truly forget to love? Is it possible to numb one's feelings? How does it feel to witness someone directing their affections elsewhere, especially when that person is the sole focus of your attention? The onus lies with you, as you assume that they belong to you, not vice versa. It's not about them; it's about your expectations. but in reality, your effort is nothing when they are not the one.

Way: If only you loved me enough, we wouldn't be here at this point right now. All I wanted was love. I am not an attention seeker; I am, or rather, your lover.

Pete: Look, whatever I said, Way, it wasn't true. Can you please understand the problem here? I am not the problem; you are the problem. I am tired—tired of loving you. Do you get it? It's really hard when you call me your love, but your eyes sparkle with affection when you look at Babe, I've made enough adjustments for you. Do you think it's easy for me to see you smiling at others when I am the one smiling at you? The problem is not me; it's you.

Way: Look, I am trying.

Pete: You're trying? I've given it my all. There's a difference.

[Pete left, leaving Way speechless.]

Pete drove away to his safe place because he knew that if he stayed longer, he would say something that might hurt Way, and he never wanted to see Way sad. It was Pete blaming Way for the way he looked at Babe, but deep down, he knew that he allowed it, and that was an entirely different story.

Pete: Why do I love seeing his smile when I know it's not me who gets that smile? The smile can never be for me. Why do I love someone who can never truly be mine? Why am I trying? Is it even in my hands? Why does it hurt so much, Way? Why can't you love me? I just need some of it, not all of it, just some of it. Why can't I leave you, even if it hurts? It keeps hurting, but why does your one smile melt me? Why do your tears hurt so bad?

Meanwhile, in Way's mind:

Pete's words echoing: "You're trying? I've given it my all. There's a difference."

Way: It's so unfair, so unfair to him. I know he told me to keep my heart open, and he would do the rest. Now, he's giving up. Is this really how it ends? Why do I want this not to end when I wanted it to end in the first place? Why is this a nightmare that I thought would be a dream when he lost interest? Why am I hurting? Why do the memories make me sad? It was just a month; why do I want this forever? Why does my heart hurt so bad?

Pete, sitting alone in his safe place, couldn't escape the torment of his emotions. As he replayed Way's words in his mind, he felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and regret. His love for Way was evident, yet the circumstances seemed insurmountable. Tears welled up in Pete's eyes, silently streaming down his face as he grappled with the realization that he might be losing the person who meant the world to him. The ache in his heart intensified with every passing moment, and he found himself yearning for a resolution that seemed increasingly elusive.

Meanwhile, Way, lost in contemplation, felt the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He couldn't shake off Pete's words, echoing like a haunting melody in his mind. The pain of witnessing Pete's departure and the possibility of their love unraveling brought tears to Way's eyes. The internal conflict between wanting to hold on and the inevitability of letting go overwhelmed him. In his tears, he questioned whether the love he had was slipping away, leaving an emptiness that seemed impossible to fill. or whether it was even love or not 

In a dream filled with sadness, Pete and Way were stuck in a strange situation. Each of them had a gun pointed at the other's head, creating a heavy atmosphere of heartache. Pete held his gun against his forehead, symbolizing the inner struggle he felt about potentially losing the love that meant everything to him.

At the same time, in Way's dream, a cold gun pressed against Pete's forehead, reflecting the emotional conflict Way was going through. Tears rolled down Way's face as he grappled with the mix of feelings. The gun in his hand represented the complex nature of their love—powerful enough to bring joy but also causing deep pain.

In this emotional dream, Pete and Way were dealing with a lot of inner turmoil. The guns became powerful symbols, telling a story of love, loss, and the profound impact they had on each other's hearts.

Way was jolted awake by the harsh ring of a phone. Glancing at the caller ID, Tony's name glowed ominously. Tony, a notorious figure in the criminal underworld, demanded attention.

"Way," Tony's gruff voice echoed, "I've been trying to reach you. We've got business. Don't stir up trouble."


"Apologies, everyone, for the brevity of my message. I've been dealing with a cough and a fever lately, and it's been challenging. I appreciate your understanding during this time. Hopefully, I'll be back to normal soon. Thanks for your patience and support. NEXT PART WILL BE UP SOON

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