The Time When You Were Mine[northx sonic]

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Way took Sonic back to his home with him, holding Sonic's hand as Sonic fell asleep on his shoulder on the way back.

Pete suggested, "Should we stop by for some vitamins and nutrients? I read in his report, and the doctor told me he was malnourished. He needs vitamins and things to get back on track. You never got malnourished, so we never bought them in the first place." Way agreed, and Pete stopped by to get some supplements.

During that time, Sonic woke up.

Way smiled at Sonic, and as they passed a vendor selling cotton candy, Way remembered Sonic's love for it. Sonic used to go crazy whenever a cotton candy vendor was around, saying his life was as sweet as cotton candy and as fluffy as its texture. However, he never considered that it also melts and vanishes immediately.

Way asked, "Do you want cotton candy? Shall we buy some?"

Sonic replied, "No, let's go. Take me far away from this place, Way, can you?"

Way nodded.

Way observed a really broken, hopeless, and lost Sonic. It was not the Sonic he knew – the happy Sonic who laughed at literally everything. His laughter was one of the sweetest things ever, and his face radiated happiness. The face that once had words flowing nonstop now had no words to speak.

Pete returned to the car, and they headed back to their home.

Way said, "Welcome home, Sonic."

Sonic looked around and saw a home filled with bright lights, rooms smelling of daisies, fresh air from open windows, and a garden. While these may be ordinary features for Pete and Way, for Sonic, it felt like heaven. Previously, he had endured a dark room with no smell, closed and nailed windows, no fresh air, and dark, black curtains. He had been in that oppressive environment for six months, begging North to let him go, but he was chained, abused, paralyzed, degraded—everything a human should never endure. violated by someone he loved. 

"It feels like hell when the one who gives you pain is the one you adore, the one you used to proudly say, 'Yeah, he is my man.' But when did that 'my man' become a violation? For Sonic, it was a choice to stay until it got all out of hand. He thought it was love, but in reality, it was just hell."

Way asked with a soft and curious look, "Do you like it?"

Sonic smiled, the lightest of smiles, and nodded.

That smile, emerging after all the cries, pain, and hardships, was a powerful testament. The fact that the smallest thing, like a house with opened windows, could bring him joy spoke volumes about what Sonic had endured. It's a poignant reminder of how someone who has been through so much can find happiness in the simplest of things.

Way said, "Let me take you to my room."

Sonic asked, "Why, then, Pete?"

Pete reassured him, "Not Pete, okay? Your big brother, okay, Sonic? Trust me, everything is going to be fine faster than ever. Okay, Way, take him."

Way led Sonic to his bed and helped him lay down. However, after an hour, Way returned to find Sonic still awake.

Way asked, "You're not asleep?"

Sonic replied, "I can't sleep."

Way sympathized, "Oh, that's fine. Happens to me as well. Can't sleep; this guy bothers a lot," pointing to his belly.

When Way mentioned that, Sonic's demeanor became dark.

Way questioned, "What's wrong?"

Sonic asked, "You're not going to ask what happened to me? Why we are like this?"

Way responded, "If you wanted to, you would tell me. If you want to keep it to yourself, then that's fine as well. I just know that my goal is bringing back the Sonic I know, that's all. Whatever happened between you and him, everything," Way held Sonic's hand, "just forget it. It was a nightmare; it passed away. Whatever it was, it's now gone."

Upon hearing Way's answer, Sonic suddenly started crying and hugged Way. Way didn't say anything and became a shoulder for Sonic to cry on.

Sonic expressed, "People feel good when something like this happens. Why do I feel bad for my baby? Why do I feel empty in my heart? Why don't I feel happy, Way? Why?" [crying hard] "Why can't I say that I am lucky to have this baby? Why is my baby the only unlucky one?"

Way gently wiped away Sonic's tears and said, "Sonic, what you're feeling is completely valid. It's okay not to feel the way you think you should. Your emotions are your own, and there's no right or wrong way to feel in a situation like this. It's a lot to process, and it's okay to take your time."

Sonic sniffled, "But everyone says having a baby is a blessing. Why does it feel like a curse for me?"

Way sighed, "People say many things, but not everyone understands the complexity of each person's journey. Your feelings are real, Sonic, and they matter. Maybe it's because of the circumstances, maybe it's because of the pain you've been through. But whatever it is, I'm here for you. You're not alone in this."

Sonic looked at Way, his eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and confusion. Way continued, "It's okay to be scared, Sonic. We'll figure this out together. You're not alone, and your baby is not unlucky. We'll make sure they know love and care, and we'll find a way to make things better. You have the strength to face this, and I'll be here to support you every step of the way."

As Sonic listened to Way's comforting words, a glimmer of hope started to flicker in his eyes, and he realized that even during darkness, there could be a path toward healing and happiness.

On the other side, North, who had been captured by the guards at the hospital, managed to break free and ran away in the chaos of the situation. The urgency in finding Sonic overwhelmed him, pushing him to escape from the confines of the hospital.

Pete received a call informing him that North had escaped, but he chose not to tell Sonic. Pete was determined to handle North on his own without involving Sonic, recognizing the emotional toll it could take on Sonic if he knew about North's escape.

Understanding the delicate state of Sonic's emotions, Pete decided to shield him from the immediate news of North's disappearance. Pete knew that confronting North was necessary, but he wanted to ensure Sonic's well-being and avoid any further distress for him. With a heavy heart, Pete prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, both in finding North and protecting his family as well


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