Reassurance and Nervousness - Part Two

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A/N - second part! Hope you enjoy!

The two of you began walking out of the tower and toward the restaurant. It was silent on the way over. He was focus on what to say on the official date, and you didn't want to mess with him or make him more nervous. So, you just let the silent happen.

Once inside the restaurant, Bucky went up to the hostess and told her,

"Ah, reservation for 2, should be under Barnes."

"Yep, window table. Right this way, Mrs and Mr Barnes."

As you followed the hostess, you had to say,

"Well, I guess we're married now." You smirked and he laughed. Glad that could loosen him up a little.

"Here we are. Your waitress will be right with you."

You both thanked her and Bucky pulled out the chair for you. It was cheesy, but you couldn't help but enjoy it.

He sat opposite of you and awkwardly began a conversation.

"So, ah, how was your day?"

"Oh, fine. Didn't have too much work to do. What about you?"

"Same, just did some workouts and training. Hung around after."

Great, the conversation was already over.

"Okay, I'm just going to say it; I'm still super nervous and I know I shouldn't be. But I just want this to go well." He blurted out.

You smiled, "I'm kind of nervous, too. But, I think if we want this to go well, we need to not think about it. Just let it flow. So, let's just get a conversation going." You thought for a second, "Tell me about the 30s and 40s. Like, what was life like?"

He drew a sigh of relief. This was something he could easily talk about. He then began on what the Great Depression was like. Horrible, sad, and, well, depressing. He talked about always taking care of Steve. When he was sick, when his parents died, and just whenever he needed help. But, the 40s were much better. Much more lively, but still slightly depressing because of the war. Of course then he wanted to go, but now it sounds horrible. He didn't want to talk about it anymore, which was perfect because your waitress came to talk about the menu.

You ordered, and got back to your conversation.

"Now I've told you about my old life, tell me about yours. Like your childhood?"

You knew it would be a little happier than his, so you were glad to brighten the conversation. You told him what your life was like around the house and just what you did when you were younger. Games, school, friends, and daily life in general. You told a few stories of funny memories and that made him so much happier and relaxed.

One of your stories reminded him of one, and so on. The stories and laughing continued through the meal and dessert. A few times you almost spit out food from laughing.


Once you finished the dessert you shared, he just smiled.


"It's just that this date went so well. I thought for sure something would go wrong, but not really, unless you count the water that almost went out your nose." He started laughing.

"Hey, that hurt! But I agree, it was perfect."


He of course paid the bill, being the gentleman he was. It was almost closing time, and the two of you decided to leave. He offered his elbow for you to hold to on the walk back. You took it, and blushed a little. Maybe a little cliché, but you didn't mind.

The night sky was beautiful. All the stars were out and you couldn't help but stare. Bucky noticed and thought of an idea.

"Hey, when we get back to the tower, let's grab a few blankets. I have a great idea."


Carrying a pile of blankets, Bucky led you up the elevator and onto the roof. He had asked Tony to let him up there, because he was the only with access from the inside.

Opening the door, you gasped at the sky. It was even more beautiful. Even more sky to look at.

He looked at you as you stared and he smiled. He might be falling in love already.


You laid down one blanket, but kept the rest to have on top. Laying down side by side, Bucky pulled the blankets on top. You were so distracted by the stars.

"Wow, it's so amazing,"

"Yeah..." He said, looking to you. All was thinking about was you. He kept his eyes there until you turned your head. He tried to look away, but it was hard for him. He kept staring.

And then kissed you.

He couldn't help it. He needed to.

You were shocked at first, but then let it happen and melted into him.

It was perfect. The night, the date, the boy, the girl. Absolute perfection.

A/N - Perfect kind of their word, just saying. Well hope you enjoyed and feel free to request!

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