Stay - II

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A/N - For @Kiara-Barnes . Sorry if this isn't what you wanted, but I wanted it to be more fluffy than the first one. So I'm going to do a bundle of "firsts" for Winny, and see Bucky as a father.

Also, we're going to say that Winny was born in 2016, just so y'all know!

Hope you like it!

Bucky soon learned the struggle of parenthood. Late nights, diapers, crying, and alone his fear of hurting her.

One night when Lily was out of town, Bucky was alone with Winny. And, of course, this was the night she wanted to cry through the whole night.

When he first heard it, he thought he would just rock her back to sleep, but once he put her back in the crib, the crying started up again.

"Really?" He whispered to himself as he picked her back up and went to sit with her in the rocking chair. He first tried to just rock her, but when that didn't work, he began to sing to her. Just gentle, old songs he knew. While it relaxed her for a while, it still wasn't enough.

So he checked her diaper and if she was hungry, but nothing did it. So he just rocked with her, singing to her gently until she fell asleep. He was so relieved to see her peaceful again. He carried her carefully to her crib, placed her turned to the door, and then heard more crying.

He sighed, turned and picked her up again.

So, he spent the whole night rocking and singing, trying to just relax her again.

And the next morning when Lily came back, she discovered him barely awake with the baby girl in his arms, finally peaceful.

"Well, I see you slept well." She joked. He barely moved to look at her. But once he could get his body to move, and got up and gave Winny over to Lily.

"This night showed me I'm not afraid to hurt her, because she spent the whole night in my arms. But now, it's your turn." He smirked and left to sleep though the day.


"Happy birthday, Winny!" Everyone yelled. She smiled in her high chair, laughing at all the attention she was getting. A cake with a "1" candle was placed in front of her and everyone helped her to blow out the candle.

She was absolutely adorable in her birthday hat, not knowing what was happening around her.

But soon everyone began to give her gifts. But being the Avengers, none of the them really knew what to give a 1 year old, except Clint.

So Clint gave her a stacking toy and some plastic instruments.

But everyone else's gifts got a little more interesting.

Steve got her some cheesy baby clothes that had "AMERICA" and the flag plastered on it.
Tony made her some little boots so that she could learn to fly a suit, because that was completely safe.
Natasha got her a tiny plastic gun, saying "she'll need to learn at some point."

Lily and Bucky just appreciated the efforts.


The day had come. The day he would have to start giving her more freedom.

Her first day of school.

They wanted to send her to a normal school, so that she didn't grow up only around fighters.

So when that first bus came, Bucky and Lily waited with her to send her off. The two held it together until Winny hugged them, ran to the bus, waved, and got on. Once the bus was on its way, Bucky was the one who broke down.

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