Nighttime Cravings

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(Thank you @wait_what_why for the idea!)

3 AM and you felt your stomach rumbling. You didn't have much of a dinner, you just weren't hungry. But, now your stomach wanted food. You knew you wouldn't be able to sleep unless you ate. You looked over to Bucky to see that he was totally asleep. So you decided you needed sleep and needed to be quiet. And you didn't want to disturb the peaceful sleep Bucky was having. So, as quietly as you could, you snuck out of bed, then out of the bedroom, and then to the kitchen.

You didn't need a full meal, just a little something to hold you over until the morning. You thought for a few seconds, and then it came to you.

Ice cream.

Perfect. So you opened the freezer, pulled out your favorite flavor, grabbed a spoon, and dug in. Oh, was your stomach and your whole body happy for the food. So, you had to keep indulging yourself until your stomach relaxed. You decided you needed a little music, just so you couldn't hear yourself chewing. So you turned on some slow oldies music, some of Bucky's and just enjoyed the ice cream.


Within his sleep, Bucky was having a very relaxing dream. Just laying on the beach, watching the waves. But when he moved in his sleep to get closer to you, he discovered there wasn't a body there. He began to move out of the dream and into real life to find you not there. Only partially asleep, he began to freak out. He went to worse case senecio, and threw himself out of bed. In hopes of just finding you in the bathroom or living room, he searched the house.

Once saw a light in the kitchen, he drew a sigh of relief. He moved closer to find you standing in front of an ice cream carton, enjoying yourself.

"Oh, thank god. I had no idea where you went," he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you.

"Oh yeah, sorry. My stomach was just growling and I needed some food," You said right before giving yourself another spoonful. "I'll be done soon, it's just so good I don't wanna stop."


You two stayed in the same position. Just listening to the music, you offering him some and then taking for yourself, and then finishing off what you wanted for the night. After you put it away and the spoon in the sink, Bucky brought you into a tight embrace.

Neither of you said anything, you both knew what you would of said. Bucky would have explained that he was worried and you just would've said that you're here and fine. And instead of talking, you began to sway. Then, it turned into slow dancing. Together, you moved throughout the kitchen, moving to the same beats as the music gave you.


After a little while of dancing, you both grew in need of sleep, so you moved the dancing back to the bedroom and fell into bed. Both back into peaceful sleep, continuing the dance within the dreams.

A/N - I know I've done the "dancing at 3AM thing a couple times, but it is really cute. But anyway, hope you enjoyed and feel free to request at anytime!

BUCKY BARNES//ONE SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now