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A/N - For @CharlyDashwood . Set throughout the year before Civil War.

Song : Unsteady by X-Ambassadors

"Bucky, I can't keep doing this."

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked, unknowing.

"I mean, this life. Continuous moving around, finding random jobs and lives I hate." You tried to explain. You were desperate for some stability in your life, and Bucky didn't provide that.

He looked down, almost in shame, not knowing what to do or say.

You stepped closed to him, placing a hand on his neck.

"Bucky, I'm sorry. You know I love you and I have been doing everything to try and support you, but this isn't a life I want."

"Then what do you want," he asked quietly, not ready to hear the truth.

"I want a home, a job I enjoy, and you in that picture. But if that can't happen with you..."

"(Y/N), please. You know I can't. If I stay in one place too long, it's easier to be found. But, I want you to be happy." He looked straight at you, "Go find that life."

You arms slid around his shoulders, holding him tightly. He squeezed you back, believing it was that last time he would do this. He lifted his head and gently kissed your temple, closing his eyes in response to the feeling.

"Be happy, (Y/N)."



After leaving Bucky, you found a place to be in London. A small apartment was all you needed, and you discovered a job you excelled at and enjoyed. While most of your life was going well, a piece was still missing. Home.

While you absolutely loved your independence and life, you just needed that piece that you desperately held onto.


Losing that stable aspect of his life crushed him. Bucky was doing worse without you. He tried to just ignore his problems and let whatever happen, happen. His sporadic memories caused uncertainty of his actions. He would get frustrated and angry with himself, if he could remember or if he wanted to remember, and produce a disaster of wherever he was living.

He needed you again, but he knew he shouldn't find you. It would just bring you back into the chaos and cause unhappiness again.


After work, you just needed a place to relax and forget about the stress that day had caused. So you visited Regent's Park, simply needed a walk.

You listened to the voices as you passed by, as well as the animals that surrounded you. The footsteps were also pleasing; you liked to come up with stories to the passerbys.

One man, who wore many layers and shuffled along, seemed to be hiding from the world. You came up with the story that he's secretly a spy, following his target as stealthily as he could.

Which, unknown to you, was almost true.


Bucky sat on a bench in the park, beginning to watch the people. He observed a woman, calmly walking along, deep in thought. As she grew closer, he recognized her face.

He drew a breath in, surprised to see you. He watched you as you passed him, and he realized he wanted to see you close again.

Popping up, Bucky followed you, figuring out what he'll do.


Suddenly, you froze in front of the fountain. It was beautiful to watch the water flow from the top and through the tiers. It was peaceful; like fate. It would happen, no matter the circumstance. The water would continue to flow and find the end.

Next to you, a man stood. He admired the fountain as you did.

"You know, this fountain is a lot like me."

"Oh, yeah?" You asked.

"Yeah, it's a little out of control, with the water not ending up in the exact place over and over. But, with the right circumstance and help, it can be stable and beautiful."

You looked toward the man, quizzical to the specific statement. Abruptly, a realization hit.

"Bucky?" You asked, almost fearful to see him again and have the feelings rush back.

He looked over, giving you a little smirk, trying to lighten the situation.

"Oh my god, Bucky." You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, enveloping him as you did almost a year ago.

"I still love you. I should have let go, but if you still love me, don't let go."

You smiled.

"I do still love you. I haven't been home without you there."

The hug broke, and Bucky moved to grasp your hand, holding onto it like he would lose it.

As you faced the fountain again, he leaned in, kissing your temple, and uncovering home.

A/N - I hope you enjoyed this! Personally, I liked some parts, but something just felt weird about this one; just didn't feel like me. But, I still wanted it to be cute and a little angsty, but I hope this works!

And thank you for putting up with a shorter story, I know sometimes it's preferred to be longer, but what can you do?

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