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A/N - Happy birthday, Bucky! (Let's pretend he's not in cryo freeze and he's happy, okay?)

Also, I have had no inspiration for a story. I've had a bunch of ideas that I've started but can't finish. But, I still wanted to give you something for Bucky's 100 birthday. So, here are some ideas for what he would be like today.

SONG: You and I - Ingrid Michelson

- He would be up before you, probably already drinking coffee.
- You would find him sitting by the window, just staring, probably contemplating on his life and what it's been like for 100 years.
- Coming up behind him, you'd embrace him tightly, quietly wishing him a happy birthday.
- Thanking you, there would be a tone of sadness in his voice.
- While you wanted to spoil him and do extravagant adventures with him today to celebrate, you wanted to respect his earlier wishes of not wanting anything today.
- So, if it was going to be a lazy day, you made him at least come back to bed to just lay and cuddle for a while.
- It would be silent, until he started to explain his feelings.
- He explained that while he loved his current life and all, he still hated that the majority of his life was spent under HYDRA.
- As he talks, you would simply listen and try to comfort him the best you could.
- And that would be all he needed. He just desired to explain his feelings, and he was finally able to do that.

- Later that day, after many people wished him a happy birthday, there was a small party of you, Bucky, Steve, Sam, Natasha, and Wanda, simply to have dinner and cake. If a party was going to happen, he wanted to just be a small one.
- Everyone surprised him with gifts, which of course he tried to deny, but soon gave in and accepted them with open arms.
- You gave him a trip to a private getaway for a week long trip with you.
- He loved it and couldn't wait for it.

- That night, he continuously thanked you and soon led to a night of loving and passionate sex, because he was feeling happier and better about himself after the morning.
- He continued to thank you, and didn't know how he deserved all of this.
- You tried to explain that "of course you deserve it"
- Before falling asleep, cuddled into him, he whispered "I can't wait for 100 more years of this life."

BUCKY BARNES//ONE SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now