City of Stars

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As he sat at the piano, he observed the empty room. Chairs askew and tables messy, the night before was a full one. Involuntarily, his fingers toyed at the keys, gently playing a song.

Bucky watched the waitresses and bartenders begin to clean up the space, arranging the furniture for tonight's crowd. He was watching a time lapse, within minutes the space was pristine again.

Soon they left, leaving him alone with the piano. His mind wanted him to practice songs for tonight, but his heart led him back to her. Her beauty, her laugh, her smile. The way she moves makes him feel some way. As he smiled at the thoughts, his fingers flowed with the feelings.

Gently he played, the melody becoming a romantic set of notes. Every note played added to the feelings, and created more within his mind. Soon it couldn't be contained, and the words began to flow.

She soon walked in, entering the club to practice for the coming night. But as she heard the lyrics, she was drawn in. She walked toward him, letting herself become enveloped by the music.

She joined in, expressing the same emotions. The love shared began to fill the room and their hearts, bringing them closer. She looked straight at him as she sang, filled with the joy he made her feel.

As the last note was hit, she stood and reached a hand out, an invitation to dance. He smiled and drew the last note out. He followed her to the center floor, and soon they began to sway along to nothing. Their faces only inches apart, the two admired each other.

Even without music, the two had the power of love to guide them along. Soon the dancing turned into lifts, where she could float as he circled her around. The final lift she was pushed above him, and slowly he lowered her down. As they stood face to face, arms and body frozen, they simply looked at each other. But, as time passed, the depth of love grew. They both fell deeper, every feeling changed into something more powerful and more beautiful.

Slowly they moved in, gently kissing in the big, empty room. His hand found her cheek, her arm wrapped around his neck; they admitted their love.


Every night they performed together, no one else really mattered to them. They played and sang for each other. Every love song was dedicated to him, every romantic instrumental song was only for her ears. Each time a song without them was played, they took the opportunity to dance.

Gently moving along the dance floor, every once in a while the space would clear. They would continue the original story and continue the partnering. As she was lifted, they would connect, and the room would feel it. Others would admire it or simply enjoy the power of love.

Each time they moved; it was poetry. Each time they touched; it was powerful.

Every time they were together, the world would know what love felt like.

A/N - It's me again! I have taken a break, mainly because I had no inspiration. I had tons of stories started, but I just couldn't finish them. But, I really wanted to do this one. Partially inspired by La La Land and a musical I just saw called Le Petit Moulin.

Hopefully more stories coming soon! Possibly a Star Wars Inspired one, a few sad ones, and any other ones that happen; who knows!

Hope you enjoyed!

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