Masterpiece - II

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Past Lives - BØRNS

Like many nights before, they cooked a meal at home. It was their usual routine, and it made them happy and created their masterpiece of a love life.

They cooked and danced; every movement flowed together like Alvin Ailey himself choreographed it. He sprinkled the spices as she julienned the vegetables, creating their signature meal together. She slid the chicken out of the oven and he finished up the sauce to coat the main dish. He placed himself behind her, pouring the sauce, creating an intimate duet. Placing final sprigs of rosemary on top, the masterpiece was finished. All that was needed was the signature from their forks.

Laughter and stories filled the room, the pleasant mood staying in the air all through the night. Once finished with the food, (Y/N) swept the plates away. As she walked to the sink, she looked out the window. Odd, she thought. She walked up to it, noticing no movement outside. She grew confused as she watched the scenery, waiting for something to move.

But nothing happened.

Bucky noticed her staring out the window again, and walked up behind her. He rubbed her arms reassuringly, asking gently, "did you forget again?"

She turned within his arms, giving him the confused look.

"Forget what? Why is nothing moving?"

Bucky sighed; he never knew how to explain. But today was odd timing for this to happen. "Come on, why don't I just show you," he offered, extending a hand. She took it, trusting him fully, but still unsure.

They were instantly transported. She took in the new surroundings, trying to make out where they were. Looking up to the front, she noticed a framed photograph with some writing.

Two caskets sat behind, side by side. She began walking to the front, trying to figure out whose funeral this was. As she grew closer, she realized she recognized the people.

This same picture was in their house, and was a mirror image to her and Bucky.

Her mouth opened slightly, breathing more heavily as she tried to comprehend what was happening.

"We're dead?" She asked as she continued to stare at the photograph.

Bucky prepared to explain, but others began to pour into the room. Many of their closest friends, relatives, and others walked up the aisle toward them.

"I'm guessing they can't see us?" She asked, just before an aunt was about to walk through her.

"No," Bucky simply said. She looked to him, concerned. "Do you want to stay here?"

She simply nodded, walking between the caskets. She looked to each of them, realizing her physical body was within one and Bucky's in the other. Bucky came up beside and slipped his hand into hers.

Individuals took turns coming up to the caskets. A few said their goodbyes, and few said regrets or wishes they had, others simply stood beside them.


They moved to the back, watching the service.

"Why don't I remember?"

"I'm not sure, you could be trying to block it out and try to live life like normal, but I don't know."

"Tell me again what happened."

Bucky explained the situation with HYDRA and how they were killed. It was still fresh, so he tried to ignore the sensitive parts of the story.

After a few seconds, she asked, "do you remember what it felt like?"

"Death? Kind of, I remember the pain, and I remember seeing your face above me. I knew it was going to be okay with you there. But I regretted putting you in that position, having to watch. Having you be taken, I hated every second."

"It wasn't your fault. I don't remember most of it anyway," she tried to console him.

"I know, but you still watched me die. I didn't watch you go, I'll never know that pain."


They listened to eulogies, reminiscing as they occurred. Then, Steve walked up to the microphone, and the two focused up to the front. Just before he began to speak, Bucky squeezed her hand.

"This is not my first funeral for Bucky. During the war, it was believed he had died when he fell off of the train. But this time is different, because this time I picked up his body.

"When we went to extract them, I had no initial reaction. My mind and heart wouldn't process it. But once I lifted (Y/N) and soon after Bucky, something changed. My emotions overtook me and still didn't want to believe it was true. Yet this time was certain." He paused and took a deep breath.

"I have only known (Y/N) for the past few years, but she became my sister. She had so much power, wisdom, and grace within her, she didn't seem human. One morning after a long night of research and experimenting with ideas, I saw her, drinking coffee, still taking notes of her ideas and how they could executed. Her mind was powerful and she taught many things I may have never thought about if it wasn't for her.

"Bucky may have not been the same man I met in the 20's, but I still loved him. He was the only person there for me for so many years. His support and care kept me alive, and I felt like I never returned that. Yes, he changed into a person that was violent, emotionless; but he was able to overcome that.

"Overcoming this for Bucky was a challenge, but myself and (Y/N) were able to support and encourage him in any way. Their love has gone through so many obstacles, yet they were always by each others' sides.

"They compared their love to a piece of art; never really finished, purposeful, a masterpiece. Now it's completed, ready to be admired as a finished work.


They returned home, both impacted by Steve's words. The three were close, but hearing those words hit home. As they listened to his speech and watch his reactions, they followed his feelings. Now, they sat in their home, never able to tell Steve how they felt.

The two sat down, wrapped around each other, just trying to accept these feelings. She wondered if there was anyway to contact people, and he was trying to figure out how to get the two past these emotions. They could learn to be happy in this space, but being aware of the other side changes that.

"I love you, and I always will," Bucky said, breaking the silence.

"I love you too, with everything I have." He looked to her and smiled slightly. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, trying to comfort her.

Still against her forehead, he whispered,

"I told you we'd continue it."

A/N - I hope you enjoyed! I'm sorry if this doesn't match with your beliefs of the afterlife, but I thought it would be interesting to write.

Also, this will, unfortunately, be my final story. While I have loved writing for you all, I have done so many that I have no more of my own ideas left. Also, I will be going to university soon and I don't want to have this hanging over my head.

I want to thank you all for the AMAZING support and love you have given me. It has boosted my confidence and given me so much happiness from seeing you all enjoying these stories. While I would love to continue giving you that joy, I just don't believe I can.

I've been thinking about this for a while, and I just think this is the right decision for me. My account will stay open for a while, so if you want, you can message me. I'd even be fine if you asked for some quick headcanons or a really short story, because I still love my man. :)

While I am sorry to be ending this, I am also so thankful for everything this opportunity has given me.

So thank you.

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