I am Home

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(So I was listening to the song "home" by Edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros when I came up with this, so I recommend listening to it! Enjoy!)

With Bucky being part of the Avengers, it seemed like he was gone a lot. There were missions, meetings, training, and a long list of other events. So reuniting happened a lot. It was always the happiest moments, both of you so happy to see each other.

Home was always with each other.


Whenever there was a mission, they would most likely take the quinjet. And because there was always an announcement of when they arrived, you would always meet him on the landing.

Once the door opened and the two of you made eye contact, his face would light up. A big smile always spread across both of your faces. You would both run up to each other and meet in the middle with a tight hug. He squeezed you so tightly, but would realize how tight it was and relax the grip. You would then separate enough to get into a comfortable position for a kiss. They were always passionate; they always made up for the days without kisses.

After that, the two of you would spend the rest of the day together, making up for any lost time.


Then there were those rare occasions when he'd come home injured. Whenever the quinjet opened and you couldn't find him, you'd always begin to worry.

That's when you'd see him rolled out on a bed.

You'd run up to him and instantly check him. You walk along side the bed, holding his hand all the way to the medical area. Bucky would always try to reassure you he was fine, but obviously he wasn't, he was being rolled through the tower!

Once in the medical area, they'd kick you out for a bit, because it was a policy. But once he was ready, they'd let you into his room. He always turned out to be fine, but you couldn't help but worry.

You would stay in his room as long as you could, or until Bucky would let you out because you both needed sleep and he wanted you to be comfortable on a bed.

He'd always put you first, even if it seemed like he was dying.


Lastly was when he'd come home in the middle of the night, or without a warning.

If it were in the night, he go to your room, quietly open the door, sneak in next to you, and cuddle up to fall asleep.

In the morning you'd always think nothing of it, because it was a usual morning thing. But once you wakes up a little more, you become excited and celebrate that he was home.

Those mornings usually contained cuddling, kissing, and telling stories of what the other missed.

And sometimes, he'd come up early or just without a message beforehand.

When that happened, he'd usually try to surprise you. He'd look for you throughout the tower, spot you, and then sneak up behind you and almost scare you.

You'd be freaked for a second, but then become delighted when you discovered it was Bucky.


No matter the way he came home, it was generally a happy moment.

It was always like you were both at home again.

A/N - Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to request!


I CAN'T WITH THE FEELS OF "you know he remembered you. You pal, you buddy, your Bucky" UGH

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