Stay - I

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A/N - For @StephanieNairne1 . Hope you like it!

So in this, Lily and Bucky live in the complex.

And I don't want to spoil anything, but I want to make sure I warn anyone who might be triggered: but there is pregnancy and drunk sex (no details though!) in this one.

It was one of Stark's infamous parties. It seemed like everyone in the world was there; no one was able to move it was so crowded. But when someone did move, it was to get more alcohol.

And that's exactly what Bucky and Lily did.

The two of them had been friends for years and had always been close. At parties like this they stayed together, in hopes of having more fun and laughing. But the fun lasted longer than the party.

Both of them ended up having a few too many drinks and became all over each other.

As they were walking to their rooms, they ended up both going into Lily's room. While they never acted on any feelings while sober, there were some in between them.

But tonight went a little farther than just "acting on their feelings."


As soon as her eyes opened, they closed again in pain. A splitting headache felt like she was shot in the head multiple times.

All she could do was lay there, staring at the ceiling, trying to feel the slightest bit better. She desperately wanted aspirin, but that meant getting up. So Lily just tried to focus on what happened last night.

Hmmmmm... Let's see. Stark's party, a lot of drinking, crowded rooms, Tony showing off, Bucky....

Oh god, Bucky.

We drank together, and then came back here and...

Oh god.

She flipped around as painlessly as she could to see a note of the opposing pillow.

Called for a mission with Steve, we'll talk when I get back. -B

All she could do was flip back and stare at the ceiling.

Did we have sex? God I don't even know.

Well, there is some clothes on the floor...

If we did have sex, did we use protection?

That thought was what forced her out of bed. Lily needed to find a package indicating protection was used.

She scoured through her room to find nothing.


About a week later she was feeling sick.

Oh no.

That day, she went to the closest pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test.


Standing in the bathroom, she waited impatiently for the results of the three tests.

"Come on, come on, come on!" She whispered to herself.

After a few minutes, the box said the results would be ready.



"Hey Natasha, could I talk to you alone for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure. Let's go."

After walking through the halls, she said, quietly, "What's wrong? You never call me Natasha unless it's serious, so what's up?"

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