The Flowers - Part I

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A/N - Hello everyone! So sorry it's been so long, but I've just had a lot going on lately. But now I am on spring break and will get back to writing! This one is for @ZoologyIsForMe . Hope you enjoy! Part of this is also inspired by a part of civil war... You'll know it when you get to it

Also, 21k views?!? THANK YOU ALL!

After Bucky had been with HYDRA for a few years, the leaders realized that he wasn't able to do everything they wanted, so they looked for candidates to help with missions. Someone willing to be experimented on and willing to kill, they thought if they forced someone into it, it wouldn't work as well. HYDRA explored many countries, through shelters, on the streets, and anywhere they could find people.

They ended up in London. Her name was Lia and she had been desperate to get out of her situation. Their offer drew her in and she became another asset to HYDRA.


Over a year later, including many brainwashings, intense training, and a complete wipe of her whole life before, she was ready to kill. Her first mission was pretty simple, just to stop a man who was taking supplies that HYDRA wanted.

After the mission, returning successful, Lia ran into the other asset, the Winter Soldier. She expected him to become angry, because that was how he always seemed when she had watched him before. But he wasn't.

He apologized and kind of smiled.

It was odd to see, Lia tried to smile back, but her confusion of his reaction threw her off.

But all the sudden, he went back to a cold assassin, and walked away without saying anything else. Was there something, someone, else in that body?


After years of finally getting used to killing people, HYDRA decided it would work if Lia and Bucky worked together. At that time, there weren't as many problems going on, so the two of them could tag team. You were both hesitant, but it ended up working out well. Bucky would watch from a distance, ready as her sniper, while she would go in and weaken the opponent.

It wasn't fun, but it was nice to finally see someone after years of working alone.

But all of that changed after Pierce died.

Her world became lonely again.


Bucky became part of the enemy's team, an Avenger. But Lia was still a component of HYDRA.

And HYDRA decided to make this attack more personal.


An attack on SHIELD, done only by Lia, was to be conducted. Lia had been wiped right before the mission, and was shown a picture of Bucky and was told,

"This is who you are going for."

Lia agreed.


Layered with weapons, Lia was prepared to kill the man.

She was dropped by the Avengers Building, and was sent to get onto the roof, and prepare to shoot.

So, Lia set up her sniper, and laid down to wait for the man. She had been silent the whole time, but when she clicked off the safety, millions of loud alarms began to go off.

She panicked, trying to wrap everything up and get out of there as fast as she could. But she couldn't do everything, so she ended up running slowly toward the edge of the roof.

Just before she jumped off the roof, everything turned sideways and the left side of her body was smashed, along with all the weapons she carried. Then everything became blurry, and then black.


When she woke up and focused her vision, she saw the man she was sent to take out.
She breathed in deeply and tried to get out of the restraints. Lia needed to kill him.

"Lia, please,"

She was instantly confused, how did he know her name? No one knew her name.

"Lia, do you remember me?"

She stared at him, questioning him. She felt like she had seen his face, but all she did was shake her head no.

The man looked down, disappointed.

"Please, Lia, you have to remember me..." He whispered to himself.

All Lia could do was stare at him. Who was he?

"Lia, do you remember the mission in The Netherlands? There were flowers surrounding us, so I picked one and gave it to you and I said to keep it as a memory of that mission,"

"I still have that."

The man looked up in disbelief and relief.

"I was sent to kill you, but something is telling me not to."

"Don't listen to the people who sent you. They don't know what they're doing. You need to listen to yourself. Please, Lia,"

Lia continued to stare, still figuring out who it was.

"Alright, I'll be back soon, I'm going to leave you alone to figure this out. I'm sorry to leave you in those restraints, but it's the only safe way to keep you here."

The man left the room and Lia tried to dig through her memories.

She knew the flower he talked about, but nothing else. All she saw was executions, weapons, wiping, and red.

Blood and the flowers.

The flowers.

She had to kill a spy, undercover as a gardener.

But a third person was involved.

He had a metal arm, and he gave her a tulip.



After hours of sorting through memories. She could put everything together. Discovering HYDRA wanted her. Training. The first mission. Running into Bucky. Being paired up. The tulip. Him leaving. Being wiped. Sent to kill a man. Sent to kill Bucky. And now.


Bucky came back into the room the next morning. Waking Lia up when the door opened.


He quietly gasped, surprised.

"Bucky, I'm so sorry. I was going to kill you. I couldn't stop myself. I just couldn't..."


She looked up, worried.

"Lia, it's okay. It wasn't you. You are a good person. They turned you into the killer. You cannot blame yourself for something you had no control over."

She looked down, and breaking away from the person HYDRA made her.

Bucky came up, and kneeled next to her.

Whispering, "Lia, it's alright. You're safe now. Yes, this next part will be hard, but it's worth it to become your own person. I'll be here to help you through this process. Anytime you need me, I'll be there."

"Thank you, Bucky...."

A/N - Hope you enjoyed! I really enjoyed writing this! Sorry it's so late, and sorry it's a little different than your prompt.

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