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A/N - For @CharlyDashwood . Starts just before the airport fight of Civil War, and starts suddenly. Hope it works with your request!


Suddenly in the air, your mouth covered, you were being held by Vision. Just as Steve had gone out to talk to Tony, you had been taken from your position.

After a few seconds, you landed on the roof of the airport, next to a pipe, which he proceeded to attach you to. Once you were stuck, and he moved away, all you said was,


"Because Tony had asked me to. I believe he said he 'wanted leverage over Barnes.'"

You sighed heavily, knowing it had to have been Tony to arrange this.

"I didn't want to do this. But I also understand where Tony is coming from." He continued.

"Yeah, whatever." You rolled your eyes and tried to ignore this whole situation.


After a while to trying to break the force that held you, Vision became distracted and let the force weaken slightly. That gave you enough to force your while weight against it and break free.

You jumped up and with vision is distracted, you kicked him in the back. He fell to the ground, more shocked than anything. You could have tired to run away then, but Vision needed to be weakened more if you were going to get away. So you continued kicking and punching him, so quickly that he could never muster the energy to block or try to get away.

Once he was lying on the ground, struggling to get up, you simply said, "I didn't want to do this."

With that, you ran toward the edge of the building, searching for a place you could land somewhat safely.

You spotted a ledge about 20 feet below, and figured it would be the best. So you took a small running start, jumped off, and rolled as you landed. You stayed there for a second, reacting to the pain.

"(Y/N) where are you? We could really use more power," you suddenly heard through your intercom.

"Sorry, was taken from my spot earlier by Vision. Currently on the roof, down soon."

That was what forced you up, and made you look for more points that you could jump from to be able to get to the Tarmac.

You spotted another ledge a little farther down. So you ran from your current spot and down to the next. It wasn't as far, so you continued to your final jump to the ground.

When you landed, you looked up, shocked by your view. You had mostly ignored your intercom while jumping, and apparently missed a lot.

A giant Scott stood in front of you, holding on to a seemingly tiny Rhodes.

After the shock passed, you looked behind Scott to see Steve and Bucky running toward the airport. Then, you saw Black Panther chasing the pair.

You needed to do something to help, so you risked it and went for T'Challa.

Everyone else had a similar idea, and were trying to stop T'Challa in their own ways.

Because of the other distractions, you made it to him.

You surprised him from behind kicking down a knee. He was down for only a split second before he turned and punched you. You kicked him again, this time to his side and now his claws were revealed. He took hold of your leg, claws slowly penetrating your calf. You screamed in pain, but tried to continue to fight. You could only use your arms, because he kept a hold of your leg. So you tossed punches toward his face, but he moved away each time. Out of everyone who fought him, you were the one who was able to weaken and distract him the most.

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