Ahead of Schedule - Part 2

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(So I connected this with parts of the 'first date' one shot, Just so you know!)

Excited, you began to get ready for what Bucky had planned. You knew it was going to end in a proposal, but didn't know what the rest of it would be like. But, you did have to give him the ring back, to "get the full effect."

So you gave him the ring and went to get ready. You showered, did your hair and makeup, and wore your favorite "dressy" outfit. You ready by 6:55 and was told by Bucky to stay in your room.

At exactly 7, there was a knock on your bedroom door. You opened it, to find a Bucky with dozens of your favorite flowers, dressed in a nice suit, and smiling like a child.

"You look absolutely stunning. Are you ready to go?"

You nodded and took the flowers when he offered them to you. They smelled amazing. But you couldn't really bring them on the date, so you found a vase and quickly put them in there. He then offered his arm for you and went out.


The first stop was to your favorite restaurant, which was also the one were your first date with Bucky was. You had another great meal, like every other time you went there. And, another great date. It was so perfect, so similar to your first date.

But after dinner, the two of you walked around the city for a while, just talking and enjoying each other's company. You walked for quite a while until your feet began to hurt and you both grew tired. So you made your way to the Avengers Tower.


You speeded up the elevator and up to the roof. Just like the first date, it was a beautiful night and you wanted to watch the stars again.

There was only one blanket up there, so Bucky laid it out for you and then gave you his jacket.

"I'm going to give you this and then I'm going to go get some more blankets. Just relax and I will be right back."

You smiled at him and blushed a little when he wrapped his jacket around you. He could be so cute and cliché sometimes. But you couldn't help but love it.


While you were laying on the roof, Steve was setting up the room. Bucky went down to help.

"Hey how's it going? It's looks really good,"

"Good! Almost done, just need you to put in whatever you need."

So Bucky began to add the personal touches. Some pictures, your special song, and just some adjustments.

After Bucky was being really picky, Steve commented,

"Hey, you know you're already engaged, right? You don't need to be such a perfectionist."

Bucky laughed a bit, "Yeah, I know. But I'm going to treat it like its the real thing. Now, you need to go get her!"

"Ah, right. We will be back soon! Be ready, buck." Steve smiled as he left the room.

Bucky was preparing himself as Steve was going to get you. He didn't have anything to be nervous about, being as he's already asked you, but he still was. He guessed that was just part of doing a big thing to ask.


Steve ran up the stairs and opened the roof access door.

"Hey, (Y/N)," you turned to face the voice, "hi, so Bucky is busy finding blankets and wanted me to ask you to go get some food for the two of you? He said he'll probably get hungry and knows he won't be able to carry all the food with the blankets."

"Oh, yeah. Of course." You smiled, almost forgetting that this was probably the way he was going to get you into some room to propose. But you were going to go along with it and just enjoy it.

So you followed Steve down the stairs. Soon, you began to find little flame less candles. You gave Steve a curious look.

"Huh, maybe you should see where they go..." He said in a cheesy way.

"Haha, okay," you began to walk down the hall that was lit by many more little candles. They began to grow in number and then were joined with flower petals.

Soon enough, you were in a big space, filled with candles, flowers, petals, and Bucky standing in the middle, hands behind his back.

"I have to admit, I quite like this," you commented.

"Shh, don't ruin this."

You smiled, wanting to play along. So you walked up to him, and once close, he moved down to one knee.

"(Y/F/N), you make me so happy. You are the best person in this whole world, and I'm so, so lucky to have you. My life would have never been this good without you in it. And I know we're already engaged, but I still want to make this speech again. You are so perfect and I want to be with a perfect person for the rest of my life. Now I never thought I could deserve you, but I'm glad I can. So (Y/N), if you will, will you marry me?"

You couldn't help but tear up a bit. "Of course!"

You both laughed a bit, the thought of getting engaged again was kind of odd, but nice.

He stood up and slipped the ring onto your finger.

"Glad to have it back, I've missed it in the last few hours," he laughed at your comment.

"And I'm glad to have you," he said right before he pulled you in for a kiss.

It was a perfect (second) proposal. But of course, the original was the best.

A/N Hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to request!

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