Her Rescuer and Her Love

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Dedicated to @marvels_agents100

(Thank you so much for the request! Before I begin, I want to say that this will be set during the first avengers, Bucky is there and part of the avengers, Steve is being controlled by the Tesseract instead of Clint, it will be a similar storyline to when Clint attacked the helicarrier, and Bucky and Alex have been dating. I just wanted to say all that so I can get right into the story. Enjoy!)

With alarms going off, everybody running around, and shots being fired; Alex tried to find Bucky. She wanted to find him to make sure he was safe and they could protect each other. She began running through the halls yelling his name over and over. But it was no use because the sirens were too loud to hear anything. So she saved her voice and continued running through the helicarrier.

After ending up in the place she started, she was ready to give up. Bucky was probably running around as well, or just busy fighting. But then she was being pulled away with a hand covering her mouth. She tried to scream, but it was completely muffled. Soon, it began to grow black in her vision...


She woke up, propped against the wall, trying to see who was there. The one light in the room blinded her, but once she regained vision, she saw who it was.

"Steve?" Her voice croaked.

"Finally, I thought I killed you. But I couldn't let that happen, you needed to know who killed you." He said, finishing right as he began to lay punches.

Over and over, her face moved back and forth. He packed so much force into his fist she couldn't do anything to fight back. She couldn't barely move either way, she was knocked out for so long.

He stopped punching when Alex was about to go unconscious again, but he wanted the torture to go on as long as he could make it. She tried to get herself back, but she was so out of it, she could barely hold her head up.

Alex was able to gain some focus, and she used it to try and yell.

"BUCkyy.." The loudest part happened because of a voice crack, but the rest faded away.

"What was that?"

"Bucky..." It was quiet, but just loud enough for Steve to hear.

"I don't think he'll be able to hear you, especially after I kill you," and more punches.


Bucky was busy with fighting the others who worked with Loki, helping others, and then began to search for Alex after the intruders were either gone or killed. Once everyone who was hurt was being helped, but Bucky began to look for Alex. He was running through the halls, looking into each room, checking everywhere.

"...Especially after I kill you," followed by moans of pain is what Bucky had heard while he was running. It took a few seconds to process it and stop running, but he then backed up quietly. He moved to the door and listened. He'd hear a hit and a moan. A hit and a moan, over and over. Bucky backed up, took a deep breath, and rammed the door with his body.

He instantly saw Steve turn around and Alex fall to the floor. It took a few seconds to realize what was happened, and in that time Steve had tackled him. But Bucky was able to channel all his anger into fighting him, not even thinking about it. Bucky had taken a few hits until he flipped Steve over and began to hit him back.


After a while of a total fist fight, Bucky was able to hit him hard enough for his head to hit the floor and knock him out. He hit him a few more times to make sure he was out and then went over to Alex. He moved her back into a sitting position and did his best to keep her alive. She wasn't responding so he picked up her beaten body and carried her out of the room and over to the medical wing.

As he was moving through the halls, he heard Fury yell,

"What happened?"

He didn't have time to explain so he yelled back,

"Go to the room I came out of. Steve's in there,"


Once in the medical room, a nurse saw him and her. The nurse's eyes went wide and she led him to a private room.

"This is much worse than everyone else, good thing you got her here," she said as Bucky laid Alex onto a bed as the nurse began to examine her. "I'm sorry, but you need to go. You'll call you in as soon as we can,"

Bucky tried to protest, but then complied.

"I'll be back, Alex."


After hours of Bucky sitting outside her room, a few doctors and nurses walked out of the room. The one nurse from earlier walked up to him.

"She's okay," Bucky let out a huge sigh of relief. "Glad you brought her when you did, would have been much worse if you had come any later. But, there are a lot of injuries. Lots of bruises and cuts, broken jaw, broken nose, and a possible concussion. But we can fix all those and she'll be fine. Right now she's awake and you can go in," she gave a sympathetic smile and Bucky thanked her as he walked in.


"Hey," she said the best she could.


It was bad. Full of colorful bruises, some blood still there, but she wasn't too out of it.

"Thank god you're alive," Bucky said, walking up and kneeling right next to her.

"Glad you're alive, too," She said back. "I was worried about you."

Bucky laughed a bit, "I was worried about you too, even more when I discovered you. Do you remember what happened?"

She took a little bit of time to try and remember.

"Well, I was looking for you, calling your name, running around. But then I stopped and I was taken." Another pause. "Then I saw Steve, and then felt the pain. Then he said something I tried to call out to you, and then more pain." Another pause. "That's all I can think of. What do you know?"

"I was fighting the others and then went searching for you. I heard punches happening and moaning. So I knocked down the door and discovered you and Steve. You fell unconscious and Steve attacked me. I fought back and knocked him out. And then I went to you, discovered you were knocked out and then carried you to here."

Alex was tearing up.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asked, worried.

"Nothing, I'm just so thankful. Thankful you saved me. Honestly, thank you so much. I love you so much,"

Bucky moved up and sat on the bed.

"I love you, too," Bucky leaned in to kiss her gently. She couldn't move, so she just stayed still and tried to kiss back. It wasn't too long because he didn't want to give her any more pain than she already had.

Once he pulled away, they both smiled.

"Thank you, seriously, you saved my life. I owe it to you."

"I'm just thankful you're alive. And you don't owe me anything. You would have done the same for me, that's just what love is. And I love you more than anything." He smiled.

"I love you, too. More than anything." Alex smiled back, taking his hand and squeezing it.


Bucky spent the night in a chair next to the bed, holding her hand the whole time. Alex was the first to wake up, mainly because of the pain. She looked over to Bucky, seeing him peacefully asleep. She gently squeezed his hand, trying not to wake him up.

She feel asleep smiling, remembering how much she loved Bucky.

A/N - Hope you enjoyed! Tried to add as much fluff as I could. Feel free to request more!

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