How it Controls You

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A/N - Hello everyone! Long time, I know. But I have become just so busy with school, dance, and work. But, I am back with a new request from @Bella019 ! (Thanks for the request! I think it'll help with me to write more.) Also, this is a one shot based around depression, which I have no experience in. I just wanted to say that I am not trying to stereotype it or offend anyone who does have it, I just don't know anything about it. I just want to make sure you all know that. Thanks.

Also, I wanted to make a cause, but didn't know what to do. So I just call it "what had happened" and wanted you to come up with your own thing. Just so you know.

Anyway, hope you like it!

You had been living with depression for a while now. It was only after what had happened that it really hit you and your body just didn't want it anymore. All you wanted to do was lay in bed, all the time.

And that's when Bucky began to worry.

You just weren't yourself anymore. You were usually so lively and upbeat, but as of recently, you were the opposite. You always seemed to not want to talk, not want to eat, and not want to be yourself. So he wanted to talk to you.

"Hey, (Y/N), can we talk?"

"Sure," was all you could get out.

Bucky led you to his bedroom and say you down on the bed.

"So, I'm worried about you. I don't know what's going on, but I'm worried. Do you want to talk about whatever it is?"

You were scared, and you just didn't want to tell him. You knew it would break his heart, so you became defensive.

"No, I'm fine." You declared.

Bucky was surprised, scared, and worried. But before he could say or do anything, you stormed out. You didn't want to be mad, and you wanted to tell him, but the depression wanted itself to be in the dark.


There wasn't a plan. You just got some things and headed out the door at 2 in the morning. The depression was controlling you, and it wanted to run away from everything.


"Hey Nat, have you seen (Y/N)? She's usually up by now but I haven't seen her."

"No, I haven't. Is there something wrong?"

"I think so, but I'm not sure. I've noticed she just doesn't seem like herself, and I went to talk to her but she just pushed me away and stormed out of my room. I haven't seen her since, but thought she would just stay in her room until morning, but I don't know."

Natasha sat and thought for a while.

"Yeah, I feel like I've noticed that too..." She kept thinking, "do you think because of what happened... She might be depressed?"

That sparked a feeling in Bucky. It was realization and then sadness. "Oh my god, of course. God, I feel horrible." He buried his face within his hands.

Nat came up next to him to try and comfort him. "Hey, it'll be fine. You just need to find her and help her through it. Depressions a hard thing. She'll need someone like you to support her. So go find her."


You found yourself sitting on a secluded bench by a pond. Surrounded by trees, water, and a small path, it just made you feel better. Like the depression was gone. You had gone there before, with Bucky. The two of you had found one day when you went for a walk, and you fell in love with it. And apparently, it became your safe spot.

You dropped your things beside you and just watched. The small ripples on the water, an occasional duck swimming by, and the wind pulling the grass. Everything else faded away in that moment.


Bucky had a few ideas of where you might be. He first checked the cafe you went to regularly and asked some of the staff. No one said they has seen her, so he left and went to the next place.

The local library. You would always go there to just get away, and he thought that would be the spot you were at. He again asked around but again, no one has seen you.

Bucky had no other ideas. He walked out, even more concerned now. He paced the sidewalk for a bit before sitting on a bench outside the library. Trying to thinking of other places, Bucky would get more and more worried because he had no idea where you were.

But then he let his mind relax and just stared.

Then it hit him.


Bucky had looked at the bench and realized where you had to be.


You had been sitting at the bench for almost 8 hours now. You didn't realized that until footsteps approached you and you snapped out of the trance you were stuck in. You turned around to see a panting Bucky standing a few feet away.

"Oh my god, thank god you're here (Y/N). I've been so worried about you."

You couldn't respond. You didn't want to.

"(Y/N), please. I need you to talk to me." Bucky walked up and sat down next to you. "I know it's been hard since what happened, but you know I'm always here to help you. I will always support you. Please, I know you. I know you are strong. I know you can make it through this. All I need is for you to let me help you and to let yourself accept this. Please, I love you. I love you so much and I know you can be strong. It will be hard,  and it will take a while, but I believe in you. Please,"

You broke down. Tears began running down your cheeks and you curled into him. He instantly wrapped his arms around you and just let you cry.

Between the tears, you mumbled a "thank you." The tears continued until it seemed like all the water had left your body. But then you just sat there, still curled into Bucky.

This was what you needed. To let yourself break down to someone you loved and believed in you. It had been so hard, but it already began to get the slighted bit better because of Bucky.

A/N - Hope you liked it! Feel free to request anything!

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