Well, Maybe

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A/N - For @NerdyFangirl1739 . This is a high school AU, but modern times. Sorry if I messed anything up, I purely went off of what I know from my middle school band experience (saxophone 5ever, jk I barely remember how to play) and what I know from the media.

Anyway, enjoy!

Everyone understands how hard switching schools can be. Leaving friends, not knowing anyone, having the label "new kid," and just feeling out of place. But after a while, most people find their refuge. For Megan, it was the color guard.

She did it at her old school, so she figured this would be a good place to meet people and become more comfortable.


They were at every sporting event, participated in school spirit, and were in every parade. No, they weren't athletes. They weren't fans.

They were band kids.

Bucky and Steve and played in it since middle school, and have stuck with it. Steve switches between oboe and clarinet, and Bucky played the saxophone.

He says he was inspired by "careless whisper" and Bill Clinton (who plays the saxophone!)


After tryouts a few weeks ago, Megan was in and practicing with them almost everyday after school. They had the homecoming parade coming up and they were performing with the marching band.

It was great, she finally made friends and found her role in the school.


Yet again, another parade. Bucky never really liked them, but he was a source of entertainment during rests. So he made it fun for himself.

They did the usual, the school song, a few classic school band ones, and a new song.

So rehearsal just felt like it droned on, as it usually did.

After the bell rang, Steve met up with Bucky and walked to their next class.

"Steve, why are we even in band? I just get so bored now,"

"I don't know, for the credits? I think that's why most people do it,"

"I know, but do we have to keep doing it?" Bucky kept questioning.

"No, of course not. But you can't quit until the semesters done, so just wait it out."

Bucky sighed. "Okay, I guess I'll manage," Bucky said sarcastically.


It was finally the day of the parade, and the marching band and color guard had to get in their lines and make sure everything lined up and looked right.

Megan was positioned behind the saxophone line, and just stood there for about half an hour before the parade.

She mainly talked with her friends around her, but wasn't allowed to move around all that much.

Every once in a while, she would notice a saxophone player who was looking at her. While he was cute, he seemed a little out of her league, but she could daydream.


Finally the parade started and the performance began instantly. As the band serenaded the crowd, the color guard mesmerized the crowd with their flags. While it seemed like a weird performance, it was amazing to watch.

And then there was finally a rest. While it was fun to perform, Megan's arms grew tired from holding the flag up and walking with it.

At this rest, the boy from earlier became the center of attention. He told funny stories, made good and bad jokes, and just naturally made everyone feel entertained. Including Megan.

She listened to his stories and jokes. She laughed along with everyone around her and genuinely enjoyed the company of him.

After a while, the laughter died down, and everyone was relaxed.

So Bucky took his chance.

He noticed her in the halls at school every once in a while, but never saw her up close until before the parade. She was beautiful and Bucky always noticed her.

"Hey, I'm Bucky," Bucky said happily and flirtatiously toward her.

She looked around, trying to figure out if he was for sure talking to her.

Finally, she laughed slightly and said, "Hi, I'm Megan,"

Bucky smiled, "So, are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before this year."

"Yeah, I just transferred. My mom got a job around here so we just moved out here with her." Megan said, trying to hide her nerves as much as she could.

"Ah, nice. Must have been hard to move your whole life, though," Bucky sympathetically said.

Megan smiled slightly, "yeah, but the color guard had helped me meet people and get a little more comfortable here. I did it at my old school and figured it was a good place to go."

"Oh, that's good! You found your people," Bucky said, but instantly regretted it. What? He never talked like that. She just made him too nervous for him to be himself.

"Hah, yeah. So what about you? How long have you been in band?" She said, trying to change the subject and learn more about him.

"Oh yeah, ever since middle school. I was inspired by some songs and Bill Clinton to play the saxophone. Part of it was to be funny and play it, but also because there are some songs I love to play."

She laughed hysterically. "Bill Clinton? I get it," she continued to laugh. After a bit, she caught her breath. "What else? What else should I know about Bucky?"

He thought for a second.

"Well, my real name is James Buchanan, so that's where the 'bucky' comes from, my best friend is Steve Rogers, the nerd who played the oboe and the clarinet," he got a laugh out of that one, "and I'm single."

Megan was stunned. Is he flirting with her? She had to act natural, maybe she actually had a shoot with this guy. Okay, think of something smooth to say.

"As am I," well, that was as smooth as it was going to go.

"Well, maybe we change that." Bucky smirked, hoping she got the message.

"Well, maybe we could see each other tomorrow night,"

"Well, maybe a movie?"

"That works for me," Megan smiled, and Bucky reciprocated the look.

Then, they were called back up and had to keep performing.

But both of them kept their focus on each other.

A/N - I hope you enjoyed! Sorry about any mistakes, I just kind of went with what I thought would happen. More requests coming your way soon!

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