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A/N - Mainly inspired by the song I Love You by Alex Clare.

Some swearing, italics are thoughts.


He naturally woke up early today. No reason why, no need to. While he was completely awake almost instantly, you still laid beside him, deep in sleep. He couldn't help but watch you.

I know I love her. I don't know what it is, but something clicks. A certain power reigns over me when I'm with her. Even like this, I'm lucky just to have her.

I don't know how to tell her, I'm not good at this kind of thing. I know I love her, and maybe she already knows, but I need to tell her something.

Soon enough, he got out of bed and went into the living room. He didn't want to make food or coffee for a while, knowing the smell would wake you up.

He decided to wait for a little bit longer, and then begin to make you breakfast.

Alright, well, you could just straight out tell her, but you know you'd mess something up.

There is the option of writing a note or something to tell her, but that probably won't work, just because that sounds so... wimpy.

Or patience. See if you can tell if she loves you, and maybe you'll say it and she'll be like "I know" or something. That'd be the dream.

God, how does she had this power? I fell head over heels for her and I can barely hold myself up.

Damn it, man, just tell her.

After being awake for an hour, his stomach craved something. He moved to the kitchen and began to brew some coffee and cook a Sunday morning breakfast: pancakes and eggs.

He soon heard feet hit the cold floor of the bedroom, and feet shuffling out to the kitchen.

Damn, I love her.

He smiled to himself.

You moved to turn in some morning music and into the kitchen.

"Hey," you sleepily said, into his shoulder.

"Mornin'," he responded as he flipped a pancake onto a plate. "Sleep well?"

You nodded against his back, too tired still.

"Good, now go sit down, the foods almost done,"

You moaned, "But that means moving, and that means work."

He gave a single chuckle as he flipped the last pancake onto a plate.

"Well, since you're asking for it," he said as turned and scooped you up, bridal style. You laughed whole-heartedly as he carried you over to the table.

Oh god, this is too perfect. How do I deserve this? Her laugh, her smile, it's just... god, it's perfect.

He placed you down right next to a chair, and moved right back to the kitchen to bring breakfast out.

You hummed in appreciation and began to dig in.

There are just so many things about her. Her laugh, her smile, her bad jokes, her comfort, and literally every other thing about her. I know I would do anything for her and I think she would do the same.

Of course I don't know that, I just hope that and feel that.

God, these sound like wedding vows.

But I love everything that she is and has done. She has helped to shape me into the person I am now and I will never be able to repay that.

Damn, I love her, I love her, "I love her."

"What was that?" You asked through a mouthful of pancakes.

"What?" He said, snapping out of his thoughts.

"I don't know, but you just said something quietly, and I was just curious what you said."

Just tell her.

"I love you,"

"I know,"

He was shocked. "Wait, what?"

"Well, I kind of figured. I mean, I love you with all my heart and soul, so I figured it was requited."

A giant wave of relief washed over him.

"God, I was so scared to tell you, though. I should have known,"

"I mean, I never said it, so you probably wouldn't have known," she moved close to him, in hopes of confirming it. You leaned into a gentle kiss, yet passionate enough to know the true feelings.

When you pulled away from each other, foreheads leaned together and he smiled to you.

You returned it, knowing it said everything.

A/N - Not super happy with this, to be honest. But I still hope you enjoyed it!

Also, do you all like my stories? Or would you rather see some new ideas?

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