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A/N - For @loserspn777 . Hope you like it!

PS, this is one of my favorite songs, the Sam Smith and Amy Winehouse version.

PPS, sorry if your name is Vanessa, I kind of made you the villain.

Trigger warning - Rape (not detailed, just implied)

Anyway, Enjoy!

"Hi, I'm Vanessa,"

Bucky was introduced to her at the tower. She was nice and quiet at first, so he was nice toward her and tried to make her feel welcome.

But he had no plans to date her or move their relationship anything past friends, because he was already dating Anneliese. And he loved her, and was more than happy to be with her.


But for the next few weeks, Bucky helped Vanessa to get situated and comfortable around everyone, being the nice guy he is. Also, he understood what she was going through, so he thought it would help his own struggles if he could help someone.

But soon she was becoming attached to him.

He noticed it, but thought nothing of it. He figured that she was just more comfortable around him.

But there was one night that Bucky, Steve, Clint, and Sam went out to a bar to celebrate Sam's birthday.

After a few too many drinks, Bucky discovered Vanessa was there.

"Vaaanessssa...?" Bucky slurred.

"Hey, Bucky..."

"What are you dooooing here...?"

"Well," she paused to lean in, "I was hoping we could get to know each other a little more," she whispered as she smirked.

"Wait, what doo you meaaan?" He said, much louder than her.

"Maybe we should go somewhere a little more... Private."


At a corner of the bar, Bucky sank down and Vanessa leaned into him. She began to kiss him along his jawline, hoping he'd get the message.

"What arrre you doing...? Please, I have a girrrlfriend,"

"I...don'," she whispered between kisses. "Just have another drink and it'll be fine."

What Bucky didn't know was that drink was spiked with a drug that would make him more open to suggestion.


He jolted awake, blinded by the light and killed by his headache.

After his vision was able to focus, he noticed a body beside him that wasn't Anneliese.

It was Vanessa. And she was naked. And this was a hotel room.

"Oh my god, what have I done..." He whispered to himself as he struggled to get up and put his own clothes back on.


Once he was ready to go, he rushed out of the hotel and grabbed a taxi back to Anneliese.

God, she was going to kill him. He hates himself for what he has done already, but just knowing that he would have to tell her made it even worse. He always wanted to protect her, not hurt her.


Once he was at the door of the apartment, he sighed and opened it.

"Hey Bucky! Fun night last night?" Anneliese said cheerfully.

"Uh..." He moaned as he noticed the concern that grew on her face.

"Bucky? What's wrong?"

"Anneliese... I am so sorry. You know I love you and would never willing only hurt you,"

"Bucky, you're freaking me out, what's going on?"

He sighed and stared at his shoes.

"Bucky?" She said quietly.

"I slept with another woman last night," he admitted before looking back up to her.

"What...?" She had an expression that mirrored one of finding out your loved one just died.

"I am so, so sorry, Anneliese. I love you so much. I am so sorry. I was drunk and I blacked out most of the night. I'm not sure if we had sex or not, but that doesn't matter. I know what I did was wrong and I am sorry for that."

"Damn right what you did was wrong! How could you even let this happen? I can't believe you!" She began to yell, "How could you do this..." She asked, beginning to tear up.

Bucky stepped closer to try to console her, but she stepped back.

"No, I'm sorry, Bucky. But I believed in you."

"Anneliese, please. I do and always will love you. I never meant for this to happen but I needed to tell you before it got any worse. Your happiness and safety are the most important things to me. I deserve everything you throw at me because of this, just know that I am sorry and I still love you, no matter what."

She was simply staring at him. Yes what he did was wrong, but you knew him. This wasn't him.


She ran into his arms, needing his comfort.

He was surprised at first, but decided to embrace her. He wasn't sure if this was an apology accepted or a final touch, but he would still enjoy it.

"I'm still mad at you, but I know that last night was not you. I know you..."

"God, I don't even know what got a hold of me. But I never thought you would accept my apology..." He squeezed her in tighter, "I was scared you were going to leave me..." He whispered.

"I don't think I could ever leave you. I love you and care for you too much," she answered, sniffling.

Anneliese lifted her head off his chest but stayed in his arms.

He kissed her forehead, and she naturally leaned into the touch.

"Thank you, Anneliese."

A/N - Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it's kind of short, but I thought it was a cute ending and it was fun to write in general! Different for me, I usually don't do a lot of angst. Also, I didn't know how to end it, so sorry if it feels awkward.

But I hope you liked it!

More requests coming your way soon!

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