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A/N - For @mushroompowercat . First, I want to say I do not know much about the army, so this is purely based on the research I just did and from the little knowledge I possessed before writing this. Second, I wasn't the most comfortable with this, just because I'm not the best with violence. So there's not that much detail and it moves fast.

Also, this is set after Civil War, so Bucky is going to be happy now.

So there should probably be a trigger warning beforehand, terrorist group, PTSD, and major injuries.

But I hope you still enjoy!

After almost a year of dating, you and Bucky were happy. But just something was missing in your life. You felt that you hadn't done much with your life and that you haven't made a difference. There was just a strong presence that you needed to help the world.

You've thought about it for a while, and it was always an option for you. And now, the thought was getting serious and you decided you would tell Bucky about it. So you asked him to go to dinner tonight, mainly to tell him about your plan.


After the two of you finished dinner, you finally gathered the courage to tell him.

"Hey Y/N, something feels different about you tonight. Is everything alright?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, I just need to tell you something," you stated nervously.

"What is it?" He grew more concerned.

Taking a deep breath, you said, "I'm going to join the army."

He was shocked. But, he was still happy for you. He would always support you, since he had fallen in love with you, he would go through anything with you.

"That's great, Y/N." He said, his smile growing.

That simple action relieved you greatly, feeling a lot more comfortable with your decision. You couldn't help but smile back.

"Can I ask why you want to? I'm just curious, because I would support anyone joining, especially you."

"Well..." You thought for a second. "I just feel like I haven't done as much as I've wanted to with my life, just because I haven't made that much of an impact on the world. I just want a way I can help people, and the army seems like a good way to do that."

"I think that's a great reason," he said, grabbing your hand from across the table. "Just so you know, I 100% support you, but I will constantly be worried about you. I just want you to be safe."

"I know, that's one of the many reasons I love you. But thank you, for supporting me."



Stationed in Romania, you were following a terrorist group currently in there. They hadn't done much lately, but they have been causing a lot of destruction and violence throughout the country.

Currently, you were watching over a small village that was believed to be a base of theirs.

You were doing your usual walk though the town with a few other soldiers, making sure everything was safe.

Suddenly, an explosion went off about 50 feet outside the tiny village.

"Everyone get inside!" Another soldier yelled in Romanian. Everyone scurried into a building, trying to get to cover. But soon it was realized the explosion was a distraction. You helped to bring in some of the slower people inside, to make sure they were safe. You carried children inside, helped the elderly, and just tried to make sure everyone was safe.

BUCKY BARNES//ONE SHOTS Where stories live. Discover now