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A/N - request from @Fatemaa69 . This is a one shot where Bucky is dating a girl with Schizophrenia. So what I'm going to write in here that involves the schizophrenia is what I learned from my psychology class. I'm sorry if I make generalizations or get something wrong. Also, sorry if it gets kind of confusing, but that's kind of what I want to happen.

Set when Bucky is staying at the apartment in Civil War, so possible spoilers! (But not major ones)

Just wanted a warning beforehand.

Anyway, hope you like it!

Living with schizophrenia was always a challenge. You would have to decide what was real and what wasn't, so life was always a question.

Except with Bucky.

He was one of the only constants in your life.

While he struggled with his own amnesia and PTSD, you were able to rely on him. And he relied on you. While you also had medication, Bucky only had you.


The two of you had been dating for a while and are spending most of your time together. While you would do some work, he would go to the market and try to remain on the down low.

This relationship contained two battered people, but together that cancelled out.


Until there was a day you were out of medicine and couldn't get to the store.

You were sitting in Bucky's apartment on the computer when you began to hear some people talking to you.

"He's going to kill you,"

"Why would you even be with him?"

"God, this is your worst decision,"


You blocked out the voices to see Bucky standing in front of you with a worried look.

"You okay? I said your name a few times, I just wanted to make sure you were okay,"

"Uh... Yeah,"

"No you're not, you're crazy...."

You shook your head, trying to get these people away from you.


A gun in a metal hand was pointed at your head.

"No, please, Bucky... Don't do this... No, this can't be real, I love him and he wouldn't kill me,"

"How do you know? You know his past..."

"But he's different now, he can control it..."

"Can he? You can't even control it anymore,"

Bucky was eye level to you, wearing a very concerned face.

"Please, Bucky, I love you, just... Don't shoot me, please..."

"(Y/N)! Please, I love you too! I'm not going to shoot you! Please, just come back to me..."

"Well if he's not going to kill you, there's that other person..."


"Yeah, you know, the one on the street. He's been staring up here for a while now."

You rushed over to the window to look out, no even acknowledging Bucky.

"(Y/N), please! What's happening?"

"See him? He's going to kill me..." You began to breathe heavily.

Bucky grabbed you, trying to hold you still.

"(Y/N), I wouldn't lie to you. There is no one out there right now. This is a delusion. It's not real. You just need your medication."

"But he's gonna kill me..." You whispered to Bucky. Wrapped in his arms, you still stared over his shoulder in defense.

The next day, Bucky was constantly by your side.

You were able to get your medicine, and it helped immensely. The voices faded and you didn't feel like you were going to be killed. And now Bucky wanted to make sure you were fully okay, so he kept you with him.

He slept curled into you through the night, and he consistently touched you and reassured you throughout the day.

It was really his heartbeat that helped you.

It was the only thing you could rely on, even while having delusions. It was like in Inception, they had one thing to know it was a dream.

But for you, you had a heartbeat of someone else to know that you were in a delusion.

A/N - Hope you liked it! Sorry it's really short and not super exciting, but it was a difficult subject to write, but at the same time it was very interesting to put myself in the situation.

Feel free to request!

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