Our Love is Like a Dream

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(Thanks again @wait_what_why ! Also, this is set in the tower, just so you know!)

You were woken up by a few little kisses on your cheek. You flipped over and smiled at Bucky. He smiled back and said,

"Happy one year,"

"Happy one year," you said back, kissing him right after.

You cuddled into him, getting cozy because you wanted to stay there the whole day.

After a while of comfortable silence, you asked,

"We don't have to get out of bed, today, right?"

"Well..." You looked at him with fake anger, "I'm sorry! But we have plans today. They don't start for a while, so we can stay here for a while longer." He smiled, hoping what he said make you happy.

You squeezed in a little closer to thank him, and he wrapped himself around you even more than he was.


After another hour of laying there, Bucky interrupted the silence.

"Hey, I'm sorry, but we should probably get ready now..."

You sighed, "Okay... What should I wear?"

He thought for a second.

"Let's get fancy today, we don't get to do that a lot."

"Okay, I can do that," you smiled as he begun to get you out of bed. He offered his hand to you once he was out, and you took it. You then walked out of his room and over to yours so you could get ready in there. You kissed him before closing the door of your room, and headed in to shower, get changed, and do anything you wanted to do with your hair and makeup.


A few minutes after you were finished, there was a knock on your door. You opened it to discover Bucky there, in a tux, slicked hair, and his elbow offered out to you. You smiled, looped your arm around his, closed your door, and follow him to wherever you were going.


The place you were heading to was a little room in the tower where the two of you would meet when you wanted to be alone and not bothered. But now it was set up with a table for two, some candles, and two place settings for you both. Bucky led you over to one seat and he sat in the other. After you were both comfortable, the door opened to the waiter for the lunchtime meal.


"Good afternoon you two, are you ready for your meals?"

You couldn't help but laugh a bit at him, dressed like a waiter, serving you a meal.

"Of course," you responded.

Bucky just nodded, trying to hide his own laugh in. Steve ignored the laughs and placed the two plates in front of you and Bucky.

"Enjoy," Steve said before walking out of the room.

You both let out your laughs fully, now that he was out of the room. Once you caught your breath, you took the cover off of the plate to discover one of your favorite meals.

"Oh, Bucky, thank you! It looks absolutely delicious,"

"Oh, good. I was a little worried you wouldn't like it, but I'm glad you do."


Once finished, you spent a little time just talking. Nothing deep, just a casual conversation.

And once ready to head on to the next thing, you walked out hand in hand to see Steve standing right outside the door.

"All finished?" You both nodded in response, "Well, enjoy the rest of your day." He smiled before walking in to take care of the plates.

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