Familiar and Odd

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The sun lowered on the horizon, leaving a glow in your eyes. The weather calm and cool, you cuddled into Bucky under thick blankets on the balcony. With only the sounds of breathing and heartbeats, you observed the city far below. The action was unusually calm for a Saturday night, yet it felt familiar. It mimicked the feeling you had with Bucky: a calm, happy, loving feeling.

Behind you, a sigh of happiness flowed from Bucky. He gripped you into him, exchanging more heat from his body. For the first time, he knew that he belonged somewhere. Fate led him to this exact moment: with you in his arms, the sun setting, the fall weather becoming colder.

Soon, the sun hid behind the vast buildings of the city, and the stars poked through the young night sky. As shapes formed, Bucky duplicated them, lightly dragging his fingers across your body. A map coated your body. You smiled at the feeling. He continued, knowing you loved the feeling.


Completely dark, you began to drift off. You grew heavier with sleep, and soon became dead weight in Bucky's grip. Unsure if he should move you, he stayed in that position for a little while longer.

You shifted, and partially woke up. Bucky took this chance to pick you up and carry you to bed. He took one more glance at the city, locking in this memory. He then lifted you off with the blankets, and carried you to the bedroom. You naturally curled into him, resting your head on his shoulder.

He felt at peace. No one attacking him, no one hurting him, just someone loving him. The feeling was odd; he hadn't experienced it in a while. Yet it controlled him in a good way. Real love took over his life, and he was at peace with that.


He laid you down in the bed, the multiple blankets still covering you. You further encased yourself, finding pleasure in the warmth and the scent of Bucky that reminded you of a cabin in the mountains.

Soon, more heat enveloped you, Bucky's arms and legs weaving their ways around you. The feeling of home washed over the both of you, creating a new life together.

A/N - I wanted to do this because I've been doing descriptive wring in AP Literature, so I was inspired. I know it's short, but I enjoyed writing it.

Hope you enjoyed!

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