Masterpiece - I

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Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley

Their life together was a masterpiece. It was truly a crafted piece of art. Their movements always together, their colors always complimenting each other, their chemistry was always evident. Tonight was no exception.

As they cooked and danced; every movement flowed together like Alvin Ailey himself choreographed it. He sprinkled the spices as she julienned the vegetables, creating their signature meal together. She slid the chicken out of the oven and he finished up the sauce to coat the main dish. He placed himself behind her, pouring the sauce, creating an intimate duet. Placing final sprigs of rosemary on top, the masterpiece was finished. All that was needed was the signature from their forks.

Laughter and stories filled the room, the pleasant mood staying in the air all through the night. Once finished with the food, Bucky swept the plates to the sink and her to the couch. Their next act was a movie feature, keeping their intimacy through the night. Wrapped in soft blankets, rain pattering on the windows, and the lights low, the two embraced each other's warmth.

The credits rolled and (Y/N) fell into his arms, half asleep. He leaned his head on top of hers, ready for bed but not ready to move to the bed. Simply relaxing into each other after an exhausting performance of the night, they finally reached the finale.

A door burst open. A window broke. Ominous figures entered the room. Suddenly wide awake, infiltrators made a beeline for the couple. Once close enough, a punch was thrown and the fight began. These emotionless people began to tear and beat the two, yet they both held their own.

"This is HYDRA!" Bucky yelled just before taking a hit to the stomach. He knew they couldn't overpower them with this many, but the warning could help.

She grunted in response, kicking out a man almost twice her size. Just before completely recomposing herself, fabric covered her mouth. She tried to her best to rip the hand off and kick the intruder, but it was making her weaker and weaker, just before she was unconscious.

Bucky realized the house was quieter.


As he yelled, the same happened to him. Chloroform filled his body and overpowered him. Everything became blurry, the last thing he saw was a man standing over him, smirking.


She lifted her head, squeezing her eyes tighter from the fluorescents. Slowly, she braced the light and examined the room. Glass surrounded her and guards stood in the corners of the room. Curious as to why she was loose, she slowly stood up and waited for a response. These watchmen stood like statues.

(Y/N) walked up to the glass, trying to discover what was beyond. The first held nothing. The second side was pitch black. The third had dim lighting, and a man. He faced away, locked in a chair.


Head hanging low, Bucky slowly opened his eyes. He looked to both arms with tired eyes, discovering recognizable vises gripping his wrists. After becoming more aware, multiple people entered the room.

He recognized one. The one that stood over him as he fell unconscious. He still held the same smirk.

The others stayed still, awaiting an order. The man in charge motioned his hand. Two soldiers turned his chair 180 degrees. Random, Bucky thought, but he knew everything HYDRA did was purposeful.

"Now, you possess some information that could be very useful. Your work with the Avengers and Wakandans led you to access of some powerful weapons and tools," the man began, walking around the room. Bucky knew what this was going to lead to. "As I'm sure you remember, we can still access your mind. But, we can ignore that if you give us what you know."

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