You Could Never Hurt Me

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A/N - another request and I hope you enjoy! I got this idea from reading through some of my old writing, just so you know. :)
(Also, this one is going to be a narrator, but seeing into the mind of Bucky)

Dedicated to @wynterofasgard

God was this mission rough. He had gotten pretty battered on this one. Apparently when you fight HYDRA after you'd been saved, they don't like it. So he ended up with bruises, cuts, probably broken ribs, and whatever else. But because he hated seeing Kayla sorry for him, he was going to try his best to hide it. It would be hard, but he didn't want her to feel bad for him.

So when he got off the jet and into the arms of Kayla, it was painful. Her tight hug meant the broken ribs would hurt even more. He was in pain, but at the same time was so happy to see Kayla again.


So after they did the hugging, kissing, and saying how much they missed each other, they got to story time.

Kayla went first, telling him about all the things he missed in the tower. Like Banner burning part of his eyebrow off, Barton "accidentally" shooting arrows at an Iron Man suit, and so on. Bucky loved listening to her talk, so he just relaxed, listened, and enjoyed Kayla telling stories.

"...So what about you? You've gotta have some exciting stories." It snapped him out of his relaxed state.

"Oh, yeah, of course," he proceeded to talk all about the mission, almost every detail he could while trying to leave out how much he got hurt. He may have twisted the truth a bit, but he just didn't want Kayla to know.


Over the next few days Bucky would sneak off to the medical wing. Getting medicine, bandages, and other remedies for his injuries. He would just always say he's going to go train, or go get some food. He felt bad for lying to her, but he just didn't want her to know.


Kayla was getting suspicious. He could tell. Whenever he told her he was going somewhere, he would get a look of "okay..."

Bucky was just hoping that he would heal fast.


After cuddling through the night and heading off to sleep together, Kayla woke up in the night. So had moved away from Bucky, so she squeezed herself back into his grip. She wrapped an arm around his waist and felt an odd bump. She became curious, so she rubbed her hand over it gently. So enough, she slowly lifted his shirt to expose a swollen bruise, along with many other bruises, scrapes, and bandages. Kayla gasped and was instantly worried. Bucky had heard her and open his eyes. Once focused, he saw her staring at his chest.

His eyes grew wide and he instantly pulled his shirt down.

"Oh, Bucky,"

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine."

"How can I not worry? It looks so painful! Did this happen over the mission?"

Bucky just nodded his head.

"Oh my god, and you've been hiding it? Why?"

He took a deep breath.

"Because I didn't want you to worry. I figured it would heal fast, but obviously not fast enough. I just didn't want you to be sad because of my pain. I want you to be happy and I know my pain doesn't help that."

"Oh Bucky. That's sweet, but I don't want you to suffer. Have you at least gotten some treatment?"

"Yeah, I've been going to medical when I say I'm going to training,"

She gently laughed, and he smiled.

"Oh Bucky, God you're too sweet."

"Well, now that you know, can we go back to sleep? I think it helps with the pain."

Kayla smiled. "Of course, just let me know if I hurt you at all."

She cuddled softly into him, making sure to not hit any injuries. He wrapped his arms around her, bringing her in closely, and kissed the top of her head.

"You could never hurt me."

A/N - Sorry it seems so choppy! I just wanted it to move a little faster. Also, the ending seems REAL cheesy to me, but whatever, it's kinda cute. Anyway, hope you liked it! Feel free to request!

PS - This is random but I've been seeing a lot of this lately, and I was curious-

What would you all do if we met? I'm just curious, cause I know if I met any of you I'd just hug you, say thanks, and probably cry together over Bucky.

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