Reassurance and Nervousness - Part One

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(So this is kind of a first date thing, but it's more the before part. But still enjoy!)

Bucky had wanted to ask you out as soon as he met you. He was introduced to you at the tower, when you had begun to work with them. You just helped the avengers behind the scenes. But that part didn't matter to Bucky, all he cared about was how wonderful and beautiful you were. You became the first woman for him to get nervous around. He was always so confident, at least that's what Steve told you. Steve was the one who hinted to you that Bucky liked you.

"Hey, Y/N, how's it going?" Steve asked as he walked up to you in the kitchen.

"Not much, just getting myself some lunch. How about you?" You told him. Steve was always the one you felt the most comfortable with. Which helped with Bucky.

"About the same, did some training. Oh, actually, I wanted to let you know something." He said, the second part a little quieter. He looked around and then said, "Bucky likes you."

You gave a little surprised look.

"Really? I uh..."

"Don't you dare tell him I told you that." He stated as he began to walk away.

"Wait!" You said, losing the shock that held onto you. "Maybe let him know that I have similar feelings." You smiled, trusting Steve with it.

He smiled back, in his big, goofy way. "Will do." He said with a wink and a salute.


A few days later, Steve walked up to you and said that he told Bucky. You couldn't help but smile.

"He may or may not ask you out soon," he told you, "but more likely the former." He winked and walked away.


Later that night, you and Bucky were alone and just having a nice conversation. Just taking about your days, funny stories; things like that.

But then a pause.

And then,

"Do you want to go out with me?" Bucky said. "I, uh, mean, if you don't want to..."

"Of course I will." You gave him a reassuring smile.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I was nervous. Steve said you liked me, but I couldn't help but think about the worst case senecio. Sorry. Well anyway, maybe dinner sometime? Maybe we can go to the little restaurant..."

"Bucky," he loved hearing his name for your lips, "just relax." You could tell he was still nervous. "And sure, I know exactly what place you're talking about. How about Friday at 7?"

"Sounds perfect." That was the same time he was going to offer. "We can meet at the doors and just walk over there. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect," you said in a happy tone.

"Perfect," he said as he walked away. Once he was out of the room, he buried his face in his hands. God, why was I so nervous? I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine! He thought as he walked back to his room to figure out how to not be nervous for the actual date.


It was Friday at 5 and you wanted to get ready. You were nervous, but probably not as nervous as Bucky.

You scoured your closet in search of the perfect outfit. It took forever, but you finally found the dress, necklace, and shoes. So, you hopped in the shower, got out, did all your hair and makeup, and got changed. As soon as you put on the necklace, you heard a knock.

You walked up to the door and opened it to find Natasha.

"Hey, can I come in?"

"Yeah, of course." The two of you were also became close, so you were always in each other's rooms.

"So, date with Barnes? A little eagle told me."

"Yeah, but you should have seen him when he asked me out. God he was so nervous. But now that I know he was so nervous, it made me nervous."

"Well, that's exactly what the eagle sent me here for. He wanted me to make sure you were ready. But here's what I'm gonna tell you: you will be fine. He's the one who was nervous, and it can stay that way. Let him stay nervous. And that way, you get to be in control." She smirked.

"Thanks, Natasha." You smiled to her and then checked your phone. It was 6:52. "Well, how do I look?" You said as you finished putting your shoes on. You spun around, to let her see the 360.

"Like you're ready for this date."


"Buck, you'll be fine," Steve told him as he fixed Bucky's tie. "She likes you, you like her, what's there to worry about?"

"I don't know, it's just a real date and its with Y/N. She's so perfect and I want the date to go perfect."

"I understand, but it will be fine. You'll go out, have a great time, and then more dates will come. Trust me. But, it's fine to be a little nervous. That's just what will happen. And if makes you feel any better, I sent Nat to talk to her and make her feel better about it."

"Yeah... I don't know if that helps. I mean, maybe, but she's probably gonna say she will kill me if it doesn't go well."

"Well, you never know with Natasha."

Bucky checked the time; 6:47.

"We should go. I want to get there before Y/N."


Once out of the elevator and by the doors, Steve faced Bucky and took hold of his shoulders.

"Buck. You will be fine. It's just a date and it will go well. Just remember you like each other and she's probably nervous too. Just let it happen and relax. And if you really need me, just go the bathroom or something and call me. It'll be great." Steve smiled and let go of him and smoothed out the wrinkles he caused.

"Thanks, Steve." Bucky smiled as he hit Steve's arm.

"Okay. You are ready. At least you better be because Nat just said they're on their way down."


After you showed off your outfit and she gave you another little pep talk, you decided it was time.

You forced her to go with you down the elevator and continue to help you.

"Remember, you can't both be nervous. The date wouldn't happen then. Let him be nervous and then you will be in control. And if you really need to, you can call me." You both smiled as the doors opened. You stepped out, said a thanks, and hugged her. After, Natasha met Steve's eyes and gave him a nod. He returned it as the elevator doors closed.

You walked toward Bucky. You smiled, and he returned it when he met your gaze. Steve side stepped out of the way and gave Bucky a nod. And nodded back and Steve walked away, smiling.

"You look beautiful."

"You look pretty good yourself."

You both smiled and laughed a bit.

"Well, ah, should we go?"

"Of course." You said as he opened the door for you.

Well, here it goes.

A/N hope you enjoyed! Feel free to request as always! Enjoy the next part!

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