Doubt - SMUT

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A/N - For @GigiRJ . Alright, so this one has sex involved, and I'm pretty comfortable with the subject, so it's not a lot of awkward ways around it. There is some awkwardness, but it just because it's the characters.

Premarital as well, just so those of you who don't support that know. Just wanted to give a warning beforehand.

UPDATE - Now there's smut at the end!


After dating for a while, Gisele and Bucky were both experiencing some... new feelings. Both of them realized on their own that they wanted to further their relationship with sex. Both of them wanted to know each other more and become more intimate.

So whenever Gisele felt like it was the right time, she would try to lead into it. If they had been making out for a while, she would try to make it more passionate. But at some point, Bucky would just kind of stop and move on.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, in fact, he would have loved to. But he was having fears and doubts about it.

He feared that he would hurt her, because of the metal arm and that he might have become too aggressive.

He also feared that, in general, he wouldn't do well. He hadn't had sex since the 1940s, so he didn't feel like he had had that much experience. He didn't want the sex to be bad, so he just always ended up cutting off whatever could have led into it.


After Gisele tries a few more times, Bucky decides he just needs to talk to someone about it. And he feels like the only person who would understand and help is Steve.

"Hey, man, could I talk to you about something?" Bucky said after knocking on his bedroom door.

"Of course, what is it?"

"Well, this is going to be kind of awkward, but you're the only person who will understand and actually help," Bucky tried to explain.

"Okay," Steve said, curiously.

Bucky took a deep breath and just blurted, "I want to have sex with Gisele and I know she wants to do it too but I'm afraid I'm going to hurt her and disappoint her, because I haven't have sex since the 40s."

Steve was stunned.

"I just don't know what to do," Bucky said, slower and quieter.

Steve sighed, trying to think of a good solution.

"Well, I think your best option might be to just talk to her. If she really likes you, then she will trust you and be happy with you no matter what. Otherwise, you might just need to forget about your fears and go for it. I don't think there's much else you can do, though."

Bucky weighed his options.

"Yeah, those really are all I can do. Thank you, Steve. If I had talked to anyone else they would've laughed or not have actually helped me,"

"Hah, trust me, I know that would have happened. Now go get some," Steve joked.

Bucky saluted him as he left the room, figuring out his plan.


After his little talk with Steve, Bucky gained some confidence and figured out a plan. So he went straight to Gisele's room in the complex.

He was always welcome in her room, so he just opened the door.

She turned to see Bucky, and just began a conversation.

"Bucky, you would not believe what just happened. So I was..." But she was cut off by him. As soon as he had entered the room, he just walked straight toward her, ready to initiate a kiss. It slowly grew more passionate and soon she was up against a wall.

After a while, Bucky pulled away, both of the, breathing heavily.

"Look, I want to do this so badly but I've been in fear of hurting you because of my arm and disappointing you because I haven't had sex since the 40s. But I had to get over those fears because I love you and I want you so bad. So do you want to do this?"

"Of course I do. And you shouldn't be afraid, I'll love you no matter what."

They smirked to each other and continued the kiss, which slowly led to the bed.

He laid her down gently on the bed, continuing the kiss. As it grows more passionate, he began to move down her jawline and to her neck, leaving as many kisses as he can. As he does, Gisele catches her breath, but began to feel her heart race. His confidence grew with her positive reaction, and he forgot about his fears.

Soon enough, she grabbed the bottom hem of his shirt and slowly pulled it over his head. He smirked to her and continued the kisses all along her neck.

After a while, Gisele wanted to do something for him, so she rolled over to be on top. As he pulled away from her neck, she moved so she's kneeling above him. In this position, she pulled her own shirt off her body and threw it across the room. She smirked and pulled him up to her level.

She kissed him quickly and tugged on his lip as she pulled away. She pause for a split second, staring lustfully at him before attacking his neck with her mouth. She sucked and bit at him and she could feel his heartbeat quickening and his breathing speed up.

As she continued, she moved her arms around her back to slip off her bra and throw it to the ground. Instantly after, Bucky flipped her back to the bed and began to move down her body, admiring every aspect.

"God, you're so beautiful," he whispered, just loud enough for Gisele to hear. She smiled until he hit one point that made her weak. She instantly moaned, and Bucky stayed on this spot for a while, realizing it was a weak spot of hers. He sucked and grazed his tongue over this spot. Every moment made her weaker and weaker.

He then made his way closer to her hips and he slipped her pants and underwear off. She gradually open her legs and Bucky wrapped his arms around her legs. He moaned in admiration just before moving his mouth down to your clit. He teased her with his tongue gliding over the outside and the anticipation was killing her.

"God, Bucky... I need you," she said, almost out of breath.

He looked up to, still teasing her. Suddenly, his tongue entered her and she threw her head back.

"God... Bucky!" She screamed, Bucky still watching her. She left her mouth open, trying to catch her breath and she began to feel a climax.

At first, he moved slow and in figure eights. But soon he was moving his tongue faster. He kept speeding up, loving the feeling. He wanted her to feel the pleasure, so he just wanted her to get to the climax. Soon her legs began to close around him, toes curling. She looked at him, grabbed his hair, and there her head, about to orgasm.

As she was about to orgasm, it all stopped.

"Goddamnit, Bucky!" She yelled, still out of breath.

"Come on, you can't have it all to yourself," he smirked as he pulled her from the hips toward him.

"Fine, but I'm in control now," she reciprocated his look and she pulled him down and got on top. She slowly slipped onto his hard dick, pumping slowly at first.

As she began to move faster, she put her hands on his chest, making eye contact with him.

Soon they began to build up together, finding a perfect rhythm. Bucky's body forced him to concave his back and throw his head back. Gisele threw her head between her arms and began to claw at Bucky's chest.

Their heartbeats and breathing sped up together, feeling the peak so close. Gisele stopped moving as the came together, feeling each other more in that moment than any other time in their relationship.

They both began to catch their breaths and Gisele fell to his side.

"If I knew it was going to be that amazing, I wouldn't have waited,"

A/N - Hope you enjoyed that! It was my first time writing smut, and honestly I kind of enjoyed it. I probably made a lot of mistakes in it, but I just got excited about it while writing it.

More requests coming your way!

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