The Flowers - Prequel

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A/N - So, I recently wrote a request titled "the flowers" originally requested by @ZoologyIsForMe and then suggested a continuation by @mushroompowercat . It was one of my favorite stories I've ever written, so I thought I'd add more to the story. So this is going to be a prequel, mainly focus on one mission.


Because of the team with Bucky and Lia, HYDRA decided to stop the wiping for a while. They didn't want to have to reconnect the two of them, so Bucky and Lia were finally becoming more like real people.

The two had grown close, mainly because they spent almost all their time together. It was nice for both of them, to have someone in the same situation and to have someone to talk to. And they would grow even closer while on missions. They both had to suffer the pain of killing another person, but they never showed their suffering.

HYDRA forced them to basically not have any feelings, especially while on missions, because they didn't allow compromises or failure. But they both knew what the other was thinking.


Their next assignment was to take out a spy in The Netherlands, undercover as a gardener. HYDRA never explains why, but this man was watching a HYDRA base for SHIELD. So Bucky and Lia took a plane, loaded up their weapons, and flew to The Netherlands.

And this mission was focus on Lia, they wanted her to take the spy out and Bucky be her backup. They would switch it up based on the target and how they were doing in training. They were liking the new skills Lia was learning, so they wanted to test it out. But, they wanted to make sure the man was taken care off, so they sent Bucky as backup.


They landed at the HYDRA base near by, and headed to the house. They figured they had to be secretive, so they got out of view of the house and snuck though the fields. The two didn't talk much while on missions; they both hit needed to focus on the target.

Once in sight of the house, Bucky moved into his sniper position and set up his weapon. Lia began walking away, but after a minute she turned to look at him. He nodded toward her, signaling that he was ready.


The man was not expecting her, so it was not hard to take him down.

She first stalked the house, finding his position. Then she barged into the closest door and attacked him. She began with hitting him when the handle of a gun to the head, and then punched his nose. He stumbled slightly and tried to throw a punch, but was too out of it for it to actually hit her. He crawled over to the nearest object he could use as a weapon, but Lia was able to move quickly enough to not get hit, break it, and use it against him. With him laying on the floor, she took a gun from her back and shot him point blank.


She closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and walked out of the house and back to Bucky. He wasn't really needed for this mission, the spy was not well trained and was easily taken out by Lia. But it was nice to have back up in case anything happened.

"You alright?" Bucky asked, wanting to make sure she was okay with killing another person.

She just nodded, not completely okay. But she never admitted that, because if she did she would be the target.


Once everything was packed back up, the pair began their trip back to the HYDRA base. They had some time to kill, because the mission went very smoothly, so they just took their time walking back.

Bucky always loved this time with Lia, just walking in silence made him feel closer to her in a weird way. But a good weird. Staring at all these flowers, Bucky just wanted to give them all to Lia.

Brushing past thousands of tulips, Bucky finally stopped and picked one. Lia didn't notice he stopped at first until she didn't hear a second pair of footsteps. She turned to find him holding a single tulip, delicately.

"Here, this is for you," he said as he placed the flower in her hand. He smiled slightly, feeling actually happy for the first time in a while.

As was Lia. Happy for the first time in a while. She was confused, but she felt happy.


It was like time froze for a while, just smiling at each other with a single flower between the two.

But Lia snapped out of it and looked down at the tulip.

Still watching it, "Thank you. No one has ever done anything for me before, I think. I know this may not be much, but to me it's everything."

She looked back up as she said the last part. And as her gaze moved up, Bucky moved into her.

It wouldn't have looked like much, but they just stood together, faces almost touching.

But that tiny space was closed by a gentle kiss from Bucky.

It was the first real love for both of them, or at least from their only memories. Most of their past was wiped.

But they slowly split apart, and continued walking toward the HYDRA base.


The tulip was kept in Lia's hand the entire trip home, and would always stay with her on her missions. It was one of the only positive memories she made.

A/N - Hope you all liked it! I wasn't sure about the romance, but I felt like it would happen no matter how I wrote this; otherwise it would have been kind of boring. Also, sorry if there are any grammatical errors (I write late at night).

Also, how would you guys feel if I starting writing smut? I would always tag it and I would be fine if you all wanting a separate book, but I'm just curious if anyone would want that?

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