Hiding - SMUT

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A/N - For @avengerlocked . Okay, so in this one she is dating Bucky while he's in hiding. It was hard because I made Tony overprotective, but just don't worry about that and go with it.

Also, sorry it took me so long to write this. I just had a lot going on last week.

Also also, some swearing and sex in this!

Long italics are flashbacks.

Anyway, enjoy!

He had been overprotective since that day. December 16, 1991. Tony and Olivia's parents died. It sparked Tony to not want any other family members to die, so he always made sure she was safe.

This time, it meant she was dragged to Germany to deal with some problem Tony didn't tell her.


After a while of sitting in an office, just listening to conversations, she overheard "Barnes," "Rogers," and "Wilson." She focused her attention on the man speaking these words, which she discovered to be the Secretary of State.

She obtained no information about them from listening in. But the door then opened to Steve, Sam, and the new king of Wakanda.

"Steve. What's going on?"

"Olivia, I'm so sorry." He sighed and looked to Sam.

"They got Bucky and he's now in custody, about to do a psych evaluation." Sam quickly explained.

Like a punch to the stomach. "Oh god,"

"He'll be fine for right now, but I don't know what will happen later." Steve said, quietly.

God, there was nothing she could do. She was only a witness to what would happen.


Steve continued to talk with Olivia about Bucky. He caught her up to where they found him and what exactly happened.

Before all of this, Olivia had met Bucky in DC. Back then, Bucky was in hiding in Queens, New York. They had met and Bucky felt like she was the only person he could trust and it just turned into a romantic relationship.

But after a while, he discovered someone following him and he needed to leave. She gave him a prepaid phone for him to stay in contact with her.

No one knew about their relationship.

Until Steve was in Bucky's apartment and looking through a notebook, and happened upon a picture of her with journal entry about her. Steve told Olivia about this, and he became the only one who knew.


"Wait, did I just hear you talking about Barnes?" Tony came in, asking with a judgmental tone.

"Yeah," she said, mocking the tone.

"How do you know about him?"

She grew anxious and turned to Steve for an answer. He simply shrugged.

Olivia turned back and let out a sigh. He was going to find out at some point soon anyway, might as well tell him and hopefully lessened the blow.

"Bucky and I have been dating for a while,"

"What?" He grew angry, which he tried to contain but failed.

She explained softly, trying to relax his anger.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Olivia? He's a fucking assassin! He's killed dozens of people. How could you love something so cold?" He asked bitterly.

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