A Night To Remember

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A/N - Hello! So I am currently working on a Civil War story, probably going to be a few parts. But, because it's my school's rom tonight, I'm in the mood for an AU. Prom AU? Heck yeah!

Anyway, it's going to be a post CATWS / CACW Bucky... So the typical kind of Bucky I write, but 17 years old instead.

Ps - this is a kind of avengers academy style, just because I'm going to have the Avengers all be in a group.

Pps - I did a stereotypical parent situation - mom and dad. I just wanted a "dad being a manly man and protective of you' and 'mom embarrassing you and taking as many pictures as she can' kind of story.


Bucky has had a crush on you for quite a while now. Really, it's been since he met you. And now, he finally gathered the courage to ask you out, well, ask you to prom. Which, he was hoping at least, would start a relationship.

You've always had a little thing for Bucky. He was always so sweet and kind with everyone, especially you. But now the two of you have been talking more, and your feelings were growing. And since prom was coming up, you were hoping he would ask.


April 18

As you were walking out of your school and out to your car, you noticed some writing on the ground. And with each piece, there was an arrow leading you to your car.

Written was :


"These are just a few reasons I want to go to prom with you..."

"You're funny..."

"You're sweet..."

"You're beautiful..."

"And you're amazing in every way..."


You looked up. Standing right behind the "so" was Bucky, holding a bouquet of flowers, nervously smiling.

"Will you go to prom with me?" He asked.

"Of course!" You smiled widely and hugged him tightly. You could feel a sigh of relief on his part.

All your friends that were around there smiled and cheered, and the two of you couldn't help but laughed a bit.

And from somewhere, you heard a voice yell,

"Finally! Those two better get together."

Which you later discovered was Steve.


May 6, 2:46

After you were completely dressed and ready, you walked to your living room, where your parents couldn't help but embarrass you.

But, it was better here than later. Because pictures would be soon.


May 6, 5:05

Bucky came to pick you up and ride over to where pictures were.

He rang the doorbell and you almost instantly answered.

Once the door had swung open, Bucky was speechless. He looked at you like your were a goddess, dropped onto earth.

"Wow..." He managed to say.

All you could do was smile and blush, unable to control it.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He was still breathless, still not being able to find the words.

"Well, thank you," you smirked, "you look even more handsome as well."

"Well," he smiled, "thank you."

After a few seconds of just smiling at each other, you father came up behind you and Bucky straightened up.

"Hello, sir." Bucky instantly said and offering his hand.

"Hello," your dad said, taking a hard grip.

But Bucky held his own and shook a strong handshake, and your father complimented it. Bucky immediately felt more comfortable, but was still nervous around him.

"Well, hello, James! I've heard so much about you! It's nice to finally put a face to the name," you mother exclaimed as she entered to situation.

"It's nice to meet you too. It's nice to meet the both of you; I've heard so many good things about you two." Bucky smiled, and you tried to hide a laugh.

Only because you would only joke about your parents. You loved them, but at the same time, they were a good source of jokes. Which you were pretty sure they knew.

But anyway, your father approved of Bucky and your mother couldn't help but love him, so you felt just the slightest bit of relief.

But now, it was the struggle to get pictures done.


May 6, 5:32

Everyone had finally arrived at Tony's house. He had the largest and prettiest yard, so it was a simple option.


Once all the photos were finished, everyone just stood around talking for a bit before heading off to the dance. It was a nice time to get to know everyone's parents, but you were close with just about everyone in the group, but it was nice to know everyone's parents.


May 6, 6:47

"Shall we go?" Bucky asked when the two of you were alone.

You smiled, "sure."

So the two of you said goodbye to everyone and headed to Bucky's car.


May 6, 8:06

After dinner was finished, the dancing commenced. The majority of the songs were fast and popular songs, so you danced with your friends and Bucky. But after a few songs, you grew tired and went to sit at your table. It was mainly your feet, just because you were heels because Bucky was so tall compared to you.

And after a few more songs, a slow one began to play and everyone either left the dance floor or danced with their dates.

Suddenly, you saw a hand reached out in front of you. You looked up, smiled, and took Bucky's hand. He led you out to the center and just held you as you slowly danced around.

You leaned into his shoulder, finding solace in his touch.


The emotions you both held onto were growing stronger with each moment tonight. Seeing each other the first time, holding each other for almost every picture, singing along to songs in the car together, and now this.

This dancing gathered all of your feelings for each other into every sway.


Just before the song ended, you pulled your head up and stared into Bucky's eyes. There was a strong intensity and a soft romance within the stare. Then, with this same force and softness came a kiss. His hands moved up to your face and your arms pulled him in closer. All the built up emotions were shared through this kiss, and suddenly, everything was gone and only you two existed.


Next came a fast song, which broke the trance. You two smiled at each other, just so happy that the other felt the same.

"I've waited to long to do that," Bucky said as he smiled and leaned in for another passionate kiss.

A/N - Hope you liked it! Sorry the end gets a little more abrupt, but I write these late at night and right now I just need sleep.

Anyway, I loved writing this and next week, I hope to have some civil war stories for you!

Also, I've finally done two in one day! I'm so proud of myself

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