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the next morning i woke and immediately started giggling. shayla was up, pouting because of her afro of curls.

"stop laughing, i hate this."

"it's cute, stop messing with it." i say, grabbing her hands. when i sit up, i smile. "you look ador-"

"shut up!" she whines, standing up. "there's no flat iron here, guess im going natural."

"yay." i wink, and she rolls her eyes. "i'll make breakfast, and you get dressed. once we're done eating we're going out."

"justin, i don't want to-"

i turn to look at her. she was looking down at her body, then back up at me. "i can't wear girly clothes, they'll look ridiculous."

"we're skipping breakfast, we'll eat brunch."


we walked into a store, a store i didn't know of, and shayla grabbed my hand. "i change my mind."

"shay, you want this don't you? i don't want you being insecure. your clothes don't define you, but if you want to wear what i wear i don't care, you can wear whatever makes you happy."

she nods, then i follow her. we stand there, staring at racks of clothes. "what the hell are we doing?" shayla groans loudly.

"i'm going to call nicole."

"good idea, though i still hate her."

"i know." i laugh, rolling my eyes as i pull out my phone. nicole agreed to help only if i told her why. "she wants to know why she needs our help."

"you can tell her."

"i don't have to, i can ask one of my fans, the-"

"no, it's okay. plus your fans would probably just try to undress you instead of dressing me." she rolls her eyes a slight smile on her face.

her and my fans have a weird relationship as to where they all insult each other but know they don't mean it. not once has any racial thing been said to her - well as i know of - but if there has she would've sarcastically replied to it.

as soon as i turn around to go sit down and wait for nicole, girls were standing there grinning at me. shayla waves and goes to sit down, as i greet the various girls in front of me.


wow this is just a filler lol not very interesting

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