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as soon as we walked into the shop i started laughing. shayla didn't seem scared but i know as soon as she sees the needle she's going to freak out.

"stop laughing, you're so mean!" she hits my arm, and i hug her. whenever i hug her she's gives in. "you're so lucky i love you, get off me!"

"i've got to hold your hand."

grabbing her hand, i smile. people around us were getting tattoos, and i look at shayla. "im getting a tattoo while we're here."

"you should cover up the one of selena." then she gasps. "i have no filter, i'm so sorry."

"i deserved that." i laugh. "it's fine."

"but, you should get it covered?" she suggests, grabbing my arm. "get me tattooed instead."

laughing, i shake my head. "i'd get your name tattooed not your face. that's weird. what if i flex and your face expands?"

"you're weird."


the lady had just made a center for above her belly button, and now shayla is laying there. i had started laughing because she made me hold her hand just in case it did hurt.

"you're an ass, you know that?" she takes her hand back, and crosses her arms over her chest.

"you love me."

she was going to answer but the lady had put this scissor like thing on her stomach and she was giggling because it tickled. "stop laughing." i say.

"you don't know how it is being ticklish, shut up." she looks at me, a cute pout on her face.

before we had entered, i told the lady to put the needle in when shayla was distracted because i don't know how this would turn out if she watched the needle go in.

i grab her hand, the lady nodding. "are you sure you wanna do this?" i say, and she squints.

"i'm not five and im not gonna scream and cry over a needle." she says, looking at me.

"you were scared to get your flu shots, you're terrified of them. i can just imagine how you were as a kid." i smirk. she was going to answer, but i winced as soon as the needle plunged through her skin, the same time shayla felt it.

she breathes out, pinching the bridge of her nose. "when we leave im kicking your ass."

"i'd like to see you try!" i stand up, and walk out. i wanted to pick a new tattoo while she was getting her ring put in.

i just decided to get shayla's initials near my wrist and i'd surprise her with it. "oh you're so lucky you're getting a tattoo, you're such a dickhead."

she sits down, and pouts. "let me see it?"

"no." she refuses.

"please?" i whine, and she shakes her head. "pretty please?"


"i don't like you anymore."

"you love me." she pokes my cheek, me rolling my eyes

"maybe a little."

"and i was gonna show you the ring."


she walks away, me pouting again. the man doing me tattoo just laughs. "let me guess, these initials are hers?"

"yeah." i slightly blush, knowing he probably thinks im crazy for putting a girls initials on my body forever but regardless if i don't have shayla the way i want, i'll still have her forever.


this is a stupid update bc i just wanted to update ok bye

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