seventy four

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i had just come back from a photo shoot, just wanting to go to sleep. it's been tiring between being questioned about my engagement and helping with the wedding planning. next thing i know there's going to be interviews waiting for me and that's one thing im not looking forward to.

sighing, i get upstairs to see that shayla's not here. frowning i pick up my phone to call her, just as she's calling me. when i answered she was crying. "baby, what's wrong?" i rush, suddenly not tired anymore.

"m-my dad. he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got shot in the back. i swear to god people are so careless, this fu-"

"shay, please calm down. what hospital are you at?" i was freaking out because it was rare to get news that someone you knew gets shot. what the fuck!

when she tells me the hospital, i grab my keys and ran to my car ignoring the obvious paparazzi outside of my house. when i got in the car, they tried surrounding me but i sped off too quick.

on my way there im surprised i didn't get pulled over for going past the speed limit, especially in such a fast car. when i got there and taken to the room they were in, she ran straight into my arms.

"i can't lose him too." she mumbles, and i hug her, kissing her head.

"is he unconscious?" i ask, looking at the doctor.

"we went into emergency surgery as soon as he got here. we were able to get the bullet out but he passed out because of blood loss and still is losing blood. when we stop the bleeding, she might have to donate her blood." the doctor explains. "but if they aren't the same blood type we can see if anyone donated the same blood before."

shayla was sobbing into my chest, me cupping her cheeks and making her look at me. "what's your blood type?"

she shrugs, then the doctor speaks, "i could do a test."

she nods, then pulls me to sit down with her. she sighs. "he was privately training someone late night and there was a random fucking shooting and instead of the actual target being hit my dad did. people are so fucking stupid."

"where did he get shot at? where were you?"

"i was on my way to amara's but i got a call so i told the car to go to the hospital."

i made a mental note to buy shay her own car even if she doesn't want me to.

"justin, what if we aren't the same blood type?" she looks at me with teary eyes, almost making me want to cry with her.

"he's your dad, there's a big chance you two are the same blood type. if you're not then someone is."

the doctor already had a sample of her dad's blood, so he got a sample of hers. she held my hand in the process and when the doctor came back he had shook his head. "you have the same blood type as your mother."

she turns to me, "what's your blood type?" i shrug, moments later, letting the doctor take my blood for a sample.



justin ended up being the same blood type and he basically saved my dad's life. when the doctor finished everything, i hugged justin and didn't let him go.

"my daughter's a big fan of yours, and i just wanted to say congrats on your marriage." the doctor had said while taking his gloves off.

"thank you." justin smiles. he looks at me, then kisses my forehead. "i love you."

"i love you too." i say. "even though my dad doesn't like you, thank you for saving his life."

"anything for you." he smiles. "even if it wasn't your dad, i'd still help."

"i know you would." i kiss his cheek. we get comfortable on the few chairs we were sitting on, and both ended up falling asleep.


"hey! vanilla ice!" as soon as i opened my eyes and pillow was flying toward me. "wake up, im bored."

i blinked twice before regaining my vision. justin had groaned, laughing slightly. "my name is justin."

"i know who you are."

dad was up, looking at us oddly. justin stayed seated as i stood up to hug him. "are you okay?" i ask.

"of course i am. it's just a little wound." he shrugs, me rolling my eyes. it wasn't just a little wound, my dad just a wants to be tough.

"you lost a lot of blood. if it wasn't for justin you would've been dead."

it went silent, my dad then groaning. "what's wrong?"

"im hungry, can you go get the doctor?"

furrowing my eyebrows, i nod, walking out. every nurse i went up to pretended like they had something important to do. they're lucky im emotional or i'd cuss every single one of them out.

when i found the doctor, he told a nurse, the one nurse that ignored me, to go get my dad his lunch. i smirked at the nurse and kept walking. when i went back in with the doctor, justin was smiling at me.

"why the big smile?"

"your dad." he laughs. "he made you leave so he can tell me that he doesn't dislike me anymore because i saved his life and he knows i'll do anything for you. he said he trusts me with you, but he's still iffy about giving you away to me at the wedding. so when he gets better, i decided to invite him to play basketball with me, my dad, and a couple of friends."

"this is progress." i smile, hugging him. "i hope it goes well."

"me too."


i feel bad about making an unexpected plot twist but i needed a reason for her dad to like justin and stuff lol but sorry for not updating, im really trying my best to get my grades up in school ok im still failing math

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