twenty six

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while back at home, justin let me read his songs, but i knew he had more songs than what i had read. i didn't question it, they were probably private and didn't want to be shared. "can i go to the studio with you?" i pout, as justin gets dressed.

"i can't say no to you." he rolls his eyes, grabbing a jacket. "but don't distract me."

"i'll probably be too busy taking pictures." i smile, and he just laughs.

"how many pictures of me do you have in your phone? i wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot."

"my mom has this big bin of pictures, pictures of her childhood, of my childhood, a lot of pictures basically. she told me to always take pictures for memories, they're always sacred." i look at him, and he smiles.

"you never told me about your mom. what was she like?" he asks, sitting down. my heart started beating, because i never talk about my mom, and the fact justin wants to know more about her made me feel comfortable to tell him.

"she died when i was like twelve so there isn't much to remember from when i was younger but i know that she was like my role model. she used to tell me i was a tomboy when i was little so when i'd see her in heels, i take her heels and try to dress like her."

justin starts laughinh, me hitting his arm. "what? it's adorable." he defends.

"it's embarrassing."

"it's cute." he pinches my cheeks. "you can tell me more on our way to the studio."

nodding, i grab my jacket, following after him.


"like a permanent stain, wishing I could just wash away. hate our love was in vein, but we're the blame, for all the pain, for all the pain..."

watching him sing with so much soul and love into his songs made me smile. my justin is back and it's the greatest thing to happen. smiling, i listen to the lyrics, knowing most of his songs are about selena.

i knew for a fact this song was about selena and the fact it's so beautiful is what made me roll my eyes. i regret coming now. if i have something to say, im going to say it and i don't want to hurt his feelings or him to feel like im criticizing him.

when the song ended, scooter told him something then he came and sat down next to me. "talk to me, i saw your facial expressions. is the song bad?"

i shake my head, and he grabs my cheeks making me look at him. "shay, seriously."

"fine." i say. "you're putting your heart into the album and most of the songs are about selena. if you haven't noticed every time you're in a bad state of mind she's nowhere to fucking be seen, but when your successful and on the charts she randomly pops up. you putting your feelings into these songs are great, i fucking love that you can make new songs but listening to your songs and selena popping into my mind is getting old and irritating."

the whole studio got quiet. this is what i meant about me having to say something, i'll say it. everyone's heads turned to the door, in which travis scott and nas entered.

i tried not to react the way i wanted. instead i just smiled, and looked down at my phone. sighing, justin stood up, walking into the studio with travis first.

"i hope you've practiced your verse, but in case you haven't, here's your verse." scooter hands it to travis. justin and trav were having a conversation that no one could hear, then they started.

the first lines were repeated by justin, then he started in. "the sun don't set the same, 'less you're watching it go down with me. the bed won't sleep the same, 'less you're waking up in here with me. oh, my heart's a vacant house, when you're gone away, it's so empty, and love don't make no sense when it's empty..."

as i was nodding my head, ive realized justin has taken a turn to r&b also. smiling, i continue listening. when travis's solo came up, i was completely blown away.

this album is going to be fucking great.


ya know i was planning on finishing his album on here before he dropped it but i was too late lmfao.

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