forty six

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justin had finished performing his song trust, then he walked down to the stage with the interviewer. "your album is a huge success man." kevin has said after they had greeted each other.

"yeah, im so grateful for that." justin smiles.

"it's beating adele and one direction on the charts, that's a big accomplishment. especially since adele is adele." kevin laughs.

i had a feeling i knew what justin was going to say, and he did say it. i know him like the back of my hand. "i mean, well, im justin bieber."

the crowd started laughing and cheering, justin having a smug smirk on his face.

"so, bieber." kevin recovers from laughing. "any special girl these songs are dedicated to?"


i started to panic inside. i didn't think this through. "actually, yes." he speaks, my heart starting to pound harder.

the fact that i have asthma made my breathing harder. "shay, are you okay?" scooter rushes over, handing me a water bottle.

i felt the entire stage go quiet, then i heard footsteps. justin had left the stage to come help me. "what's wrong, are you okay?" he grabs my cheeks.

"im okay, i promise." i say, leaning toward him. "don't tell them, im not ready."

he looks at me. "are you sure?"

"yes." i say. "i'll be at home, i need my inhaler."

"i'll see you there."


when i went back on stage, everyone was silent. kevin looked at me. "what happened?"

"i heard scooter ask shayla is she was okay. it's sort of like an instinct to go help her, she's my best friend." i say, looking up at him. "sorry for running away like i was avoiding the question."

"well, is she okay?" now it seemed like he was avoiding the relationship question more than i was.

"yeah, she has asthma. she had a small anxiety attack ... she went home to get her inhaler. she'll be fine." i say, and he nods. it was silent for a moment as he looked at his cards.

"i forgot what the hell we were talking about so i'm just gonna ask you about tour."

thank god.


when i got home, i heard music from upstairs. the bedroom door was cracked open so i pushed it open to hear my album playing softly, and she was sleeping under the blankets.

quietly, i undress and got into different clothes, and got in bed as soft and quietly as possible. i brought her body closer to mine, and kissed her forehead.

she must've panicked when i said yes about the special girl then had a small panic attack. i felt so bad, but im so happy she's okay.

whenever she's ready to go public, we will. but the media and fans already know i have a significant other, so they're going to be on my ass about it.

the fact me and shay already act coupley in public won't bring suspicion to us, so that's a good thing.


sucky update to just say thank yall for 2k followers legit i just had 1.2k at the beginning of december this is the best christmas ily ily all 😜

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