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we fifty chapters in and idk where im ending this lmao

messages me ideas !!


it's been a week since that fiasco, and most things had calmed down. selena was seen with a boy and that's the only thing in the media except for me and justin's last public appearance which was at a park with his family.

"i want mcdonalds, wanna go?" justin randomly asks from next to me. "you should drive."

"i haven't driven in like two years." i say, and he shrugs. "im gonna wreck your car."

"no you're not." he groans, as we stand up. "i don't feel like driving, so here."

"what car am i driving?"

"the only car i have here, it's my ferrari." he gives me the key. i slid my shoes on, and grabbed a jacket, and whined when it was colder outside than i expected. "get in the car, it won't be cold."

"don't make me punch you." i say, and he just laughs as we get in the car. he was on his phone as the car silently started. when i backed up he started putting on his seatbelt, then squints at me.

"put your seatbelt on. i tell you this every time we get in a car." he rolls his eyes, reaching across me to buckle it for me.

"force of habit."

"you should have a habit of putting it on." he laughs. i smile as i drive off, trying not to freak out because im driving a ferrai. "give me your phone. you have more music than me."

it was silent as he set up the aux cord. the music blasted loudly when he turned it on, causing me to jump a little in my seat. "justin, what the fuck!"

he was laughing. "why are you laughing? this isn't funny, i almost swerved the car." i whine.

"i don't know it's just funny." he laughs. "there's a cop behind us."

"oh nice." i say, starting to get nervous. out of all the stories ive seen of black people getting pulled over for being in a nice car, i was scared i was going to be the next person.

"what's wrong?" justin grabs my free hand. "it's just a cop, i was just giving you a heads up."

"i don't want them knowing im black. all cops get suspicious of black people in nice cars." i say, turning into the villa with all the stores, and mcdonalds right to our left.

"i don't like you thinking negative like this. i know your race gets slandered but not all cops are the same. if we got pulled over its because of my window's tints, do you know how many times ive gotten pulled over for that?" he says, grabbing my hand. he leans over, and kisses my cheek as i park. "i love you."

"i love you too."


the mcdonalds didn't have mcflurries so justin threw a fit until we went to a different mcdonalds. at home, after we finished eating, he started blasting music on his surround sound.

big rings by drake and future was the first, me regret letting him eat a mcflurry. now his ass is hyper and annoying.

"what a time, to be alive!" he raps along, dancing around me. i tried not to laugh, but it failed when he almost tripped over his own foot. "you know the words, come on."

instead doing karaoke with him, i just walked away. "you're a buzzkill." he whines, grabbing my waist.

"i wanna dj." i take his phone. he kisses me cheek before walking away. smirking, i type in a certain song. as soon as it came on, he was yelled my name.

"are we an item, girl quit playin'." i sang, and he came running after me. laughing, i ran into the living room, and kept singing. by the time ludacris had come on, he was sitting on the couch pouting. "aw, baby."

i pause the song, and he looks at me. "that's my most disliked video. i hate it."

"but it's one of the most successful. and it was years ago, stop being a baby." i kiss his forehead.

he turns my body so im straddling him, then he kisses me. he grabs my waist, as i make the kiss into a deepened make out. i let my one hand run through his hair, as his hands went down to grab my ass.

he squeezes my ass causing me to moan a little. i drop his phone that was in my hand to the couch, more focused on what was happening.

"aye, aye, aye, aye.."

i felt bad but i started laughing in the middle of the kiss, and he groans. he takes his phone and turns the music off, before laying his head on my chest. "stop laughing."

"i can't, aw you were so adorable." i grin, grabbing his cheeks. "you still are adorable but more sexy than adorable."

he raises an eyebrow, before picking me up and carrying me upstairs. "excuse me, mister. we are not sexing."

"didn't say we were." he puts me on the bed. "we're getting dressed. i told scooter i'd attend this party and im not going alone."

"you tell me things late." i say. "my hair is a mess, i can't flat iron it and walk out."

"keep it curly." he smiles. "i like your natural hair."

i smile, and sit up from laying on the bed. he was getting his clothes ready so i decided to get mine too. "who's party is it?"

"i don't know but there's going to be a lot of celebrities."

"now i have to flat iron my hair." i stand up and he rolls his eyes. "come help me."

"okay, okay, hold on."


wtf im writing anything lol im trying to update everyday and im starting to get writers block uGH

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