forty two

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i was hella nervous for this date and i don't know why. we were both walking up in the restaurant, it wasn't fancy, but we felt a little out of place.

"we could've went to wendys." shayla says from beside me. "or mcdonalds."

"that's the most cheapest date ever." i roll my eyes.

"you know i hate when you spend money on me."

"but i love spending money on you." i grin, and she rolls her eyes and sits down where the lady had taken us. "why don't you want me spending money?"

"i guess i just don't like depending on others." she shrugs, grabbing the menu. i smirk, then just nod.

"there's paparazzi." shayla says, watching the restaurants security try to hold them back. "you should call your security."

"i am."


justin was calling his security as i was looking through the menu. since this is a foreign restaurant, i just decided im going to order something that had chicken in it.

"what the fuck are these foods?" justin says randomly, me laughing.

"you picked the restaurant, loser." i tease.

"actually, i didn't. one of my crew members recommended it." he cheekily smiles. he then looks up with wide eyes and raises his menu in front of his face.

"what?" i ask. "what th- oh shit."

i turn back around, and justin coughs. "your dad finally found a girlfriend."

"what the fuck." i say, and justin slides down in his seat so he can move the menu.

"either we move seats or we let him see me because im not hiding like this." justin groans, and i just shrug. he sits up, and continues looking through the menu. "im getting whatever you ordered."

i stayed silent. "shay, it's your dad. i mean i know he did some terrible shit, but you can't avoid him- shit he's staring at me."

"i don't care about that, i know it's been years since my mom died, but he didn't even seem to care. like at all. as soon as she died he went to the boxing studio and was flirting with people's mom's." i say.

"he's walking over here." he whisper, and me standing up. "where are you going?"

"to talk to him. order my food for me."

"what are you getting?"

i point to where the food was, then walked over to my dad who was walking toward us. "i was just walking over to say hi."

"yeah i know."

"don't give me an attitude." he says. "i haven't even done anything to make you mad."

"just seeing you makes me mad. so please, don't come over here or even talk to us, please."

"fine, but we're going to talk."

"yeah, okay." i turn around, rolling my eyes. justin smirks from where he was, as i sit back down. "did you order?"

"yeah. i got you a raspberry tea or whatever the hell it was."



i suck at date scenes so her dad being there was just to stall, so the next chapter i could just do something else 😂

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